unlucky medic {König}

Start from the beginning

But it didn't hurt to try and pry some more...

"How'd you get hurt badly enough to be captured in the first place?"

"I got injured while saving my squad's ass. That's all."

You lips curved into a small smile as König grumbled an answer. Though small, it was one of the few times you actually saw his face move.

"Well I'm sure your squad was grateful for that. Even if you are here...sitting on a bed with behind enemy lines..."

Despite it being a honest and simple statement, there was something about the way you said it that seemed to annoy him. His face went hard as he glared at you.

To say he was annoyed by the words would be an understatement, and as you began to put away the medical equipment from your bag, he made his disgust known.

"You're really not doing yourself any favors by acting all buddy buddy with the enemy. I'm not saying shit."

Despite his wounds, despite the pain, he was still the enemy. You couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the man.

He did look a bit pathetic in all honesty.

But then again, you were a medic and this was a man who had killed many of your fellow soldiers and their friends.

He deserved all of this...right?

There was still a part of you that wanted to scream at him, to chastise him for his actions.

But despite that, you were quick to retort in a...nicer way.

"And you're not doing any favors by being a jerk. You think I'm trying to get you to snitch? Please, I just help assholes like you get better."

You made sure to emphasize every word.

"I'll be back tomorrow to check on you."

Just before the door closed behind you, you heard him mutter one final word.


The next few days, you reluctantly came back to check on König's condition. Unlike the first day, he was far more talkative now.

Maybe it was the loneliness and boredom eating away at him.

"Morning Doc."


His new little nickname for you.

'Fitting for a medic.' You silently thought.

"Good morning, König."

You couldn't help but glance down at his freshly bandaged wounds on his chest and arms, the bruises and cuts having turned a nasty shade of purple over the days.

"Still in pain?"

It wouldn't be a surprise if his chest also felt like it was on fire. The swelling all but confirmed that he had broken ribs, and the deep bruising on his skin told a terrifying story.

"And you say you did all this saving your squad from a firefight?"

"My squad doesn't do anything to warrant saving. Fucking idiots couldn't do their jobs.

His tone was laced with hatred as his eyes burned into yours.

He was talkative, yes.
But that didn't mean he still didn't find you annoying.

"Don't think you can get away with trying to get me to spill my secrets, fuchs [fox]."

And of course, there were the occasional name calling as well in his mother language.

𝘒ö𝘯𝘪𝘨 / 𝘎𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now