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"I'm gonna fucking drop out if I have to hear her voice again." Matthew sighed.

Ricky respond in english. "I swear she swallowed a dog toy or something. There's actually no way her voice is naturally annoying."

"Like some needs to get her to-"


Both boys turned their heads. A group of boys were running a lemonade stand on campus.

Matthew was very outgoing which made him popular, on the other hand ricky was very shy but very handsome which made him popular.

The two boys bonded by speaking english so it wasn't surprising to ricky that someone recognized matthew.

"Hanbin hyung!" Matthew jogged to the stand with ricky trailing behind him.

Hanbin embraced matthew. The canadian boy greeted his other friends working the lemonade stand too.

Ricky just waved and bowed slightly. Although they were mutual friends, he wasn't very acquainted with them.

"Do you guys have pink lemonade?" Ricky said his first words.

Everyone just stared at him blinking slowly.

"Like strawberry lemonade?"

"Man this isn't a fucking starbucks. Were just trying to raise money for our tuition." A tall brunette spoke out.

This boy was the opposite of ricky. Ricky was blonde, the boy was brunette. Ricky looked like a cat, the boy looked like a dog. Ricky was shy, he was outgoing.

Yet somehow he was exactly ricky's type.

"Gyuvin don't be mean!" Hanbin said before hitting gyuvin on the head.

"Yeah man that was uncalled for." Another boy from the group said.

Ricky would probably learn that boys name later but all he could focus on right now was gyuvin.

"Haha sorry for that ricky and matthew! Care for lemonade? On the house!" Hanbin handed the boys two cups of the juice.

"Really ? Thanks hyung!" Matthew gulped down his cup in a few seconds.

Now ricky had grabbed the cup but he didn't plan on drinking it. He of course said thank you but he didn't really like lemonade that's why he asked for pink lemonade.

You could probably ask anyone and they would say pink lemonade tasted like regular lemonade, but not too ricky.

Ricky only drank strawberry or mango flavoured drinks, his preferred flavour being strawberry. Ricky's habit was he would drink overly sweetened drinks everyday. It was amazing he didn't have high blood pressure.

So with lemonade leaving a sour aftertaste in your mouth, ricky wasn't a huge fan.

But something was replaying in his mind.

"Man this isn't a fucking starbucks. Were just trying to raise money for our tuition."

Ricky was pretty loaded to say the least. His parents gave him a generous monthly allowance to live out his luxury lifestyle.

Ricky knew most students were struggling to pay their tutiton but the fact that they were selling lemonade to pay for their education made ricky feel like a spoiled brat.

He just felt bad that they had to do that when ricky barley had to lift his fingers to get what he wanted.

Ricky rummaged through his bad while matthew was engaging in a conversation with one of the boys.

Strawberry Lemonade ; GyurickyWhere stories live. Discover now