Chapter 12: Infiltration

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Kevin stalked the torchlit catacombs, robes whispering. None barred his way now, believing him gripped by the order's purpose. But a fragment of his self endured beneath the disguise. He was apostate cloaked as acolyte, moving undetected into the rotten heart.

He descended through maze-like tunnels to the initiation chamber, a vast cavern where new inductees swore blood oaths. Kevin joined the robed figures ringing the shadowy pit at the room's center, biding his time.

The officiant emerged, banana insignia aglow on his chest. "Bring forth the initiates," he intoned. Two acolytes dragged a struggling minion into the circle. Wild eyes found Kevin's through his mask, pleading.

Kevin stood paralyzed as the minion was forced to kneel before the pit. The officiant's stone knife glinted as it sliced flesh, opening the ritual gate above the minion's heart. Kevin clenched his fists, ice flooding his veins.

The minion was then cast into the pit, its depths swallowing his screams. The officiant turned to Kevin. "Now you, apostate. Your blood will seal the pact."

This was the moment. As the officiant approached, blade raised, Kevin ripped away his mask and drew the pistol hidden beneath his robes. Chaos erupted as he fired into the officiant's chest, dropping him at the pit's edge.

Acolytes rushed Kevin but he was already sprinting for a dark portal. Shouts and footfalls echoed behind as he followed the ancient tunnels upward, pistol smoking. A hidden door creaked open to moonlight.

He emerged into a dense thicket, crashing through brambles and gulping fresh air. The night forest offered sanctuary from those below. But his mission wasn't finished.

Somewhere up ahead waited the Minion village, unaware of the threat festering beneath. He had to warn them about the order's blood rites, their insidious plots against outsiders.

With no way back, Kevin pushed ahead through the shadowed wood. The robes still marked him an enemy if discovered. But he had to try and reveal the truth, continue fighting the spreading darkness.

Pausing to catch his breath, Kevin slid the pistol and a single bullet from his robes. Protection against capture. He had no illusions now. This quest would claim his life, but perhaps his martyrdom could still spark the light.

With solemn purpose, Kevin reloaded the pistol and moved toward the village waiting somewhere in the gloom. He was armed only with truth now. But truth, at last, might be enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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