Chapter 5: Gathering Shadows

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In the wake of the warehouse raid, a pall of unease settled upon Gruville thicker than pumpkin juice. Though the minions had claimed victory and banana spoils, darkness now encroached from every corner.

Kevin scurried along winding alleys on Party errands, his neck prickling as if from the gaze of unseen eyes. Hushed whispers permeated minion hovels, speaking of villainous spies and disappeared comrades. Trust dissipated like mist in morning light, and even the boldest minions now moved in packs, wary of lingering shadows.

Yet the Party leaders remained unbowed, zeal glinting fiercely in their eyes like gems. They summoned Kevin to secret gatherings in derelict buildings, accessible only by unlit, stench-filled passages. There they demanded news of morale and scowled at reports of wavering courage.

"We must reignite their spirit," the head minion rasped, talon-like hand curling. "The time has come for bold action to show this movement cannot be contained!"

Kevin was thus charged with rallying the masses through impassioned speeches in grimy tenements. He spoke of past triumphs and coming victory until hoarse, yet their eyes again burned with battle-readiness.

Another cryptic summons came, to an abandoned pigeon coop accessible only by stairways redolent of ammonia. There Kevin found the vanguard huddled tightly, shadows dancing in their feverish eyes.

"The masses stand ready," Kevin reported, though his belly churned with foreboding.

The leader smiled malevolently. "Good. We attack the Banana Factory at dawn! A bold stroke to ignite the revolution!"

Howls of approval echoed off cold brick, but dread pooled in Kevin's gut like ice water. Such recklessness invited disaster. Yet he sealed his doubts behind his teeth as his fist rose automatically with the others. Their zeal would not be swayed now.

In the days that followed, ill omens multiplied tenfold. Food spoiled before eating. Vermin infested homes, their incessant scratching haunting sleepless nights. Comrades vanished without explanation, plucked from existence itself.

Yet still the leaders' mad glare remained unbroken, blind to the maelstrom beyond their rhetoric and bravado. For the swelling tide was pitiless, allowing no half-measures. All would be consumed in its churning wake, in victory or defeat.

Kevin now feared their folly had sealed their doom.

Author's Note:

Wow, we made it to Chapter 5! Thanks a million for coming on this journey with me and the minions.  Be warned, though - from the next chapter on, the story is going to get heavy!

 Get ready for Chapter 6, which drops tomorrow, on 8/9, at 6PM PST! See you then!!

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