Chapter 2: First Steps

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Over the next few weeks, the Minion Workers Party gained traction rapidly. Chapters sprang up in minion communes across the city, with more flyers and graffiti spreading their message daily. Whenever Kevin spotted that bold yellow slogan now, it gave him a thrill:

United, We Will Rise

On his way to the latest Party gathering, Kevin grinned at a cartoon minion painted on a wall, raising its fist. He turned the corner and froze. Ahead, he saw a group of Gru's robotic guard dogs prowling down the street. Kevin pressed himself against the wall, holding his breath. The enforcers of the villains still patrolled certain areas, always on watch for minion dissent.

The robots passed without noticing him. Kevin let out a sigh of relief. The dogs may scare some minions into compliance, but their reign of terror was fading. The Workers Party gave them courage they'd never had before. Change was coming, he could feel it.

Hurrying ahead, Kevin reached a broken-down warehouse where he knew the meeting would take place. He spotted the signal - a banana peel hanging over one door - and slipped inside. At least 50 minions already packed the dusty room, murmuring excitedly. At the front stood the minion leader from before, his military garb now accented with a red bandana.

"Comrades!" he shouted as the last stragglers filed in. "The time has come...for action!"

The crowd cheered. Kevin whooped along with them. He loved these secret gatherings, the camaraderie and spark of rebellion that filled the air. For once, he felt like he was part of something big.

"We've all suffered long under villainous oppression," the leader went on. "Our labor props up their empires of wrongdoing, while we receive only table scraps in return!"

Angry grumbles rippled through the group. Kevin nodded, thoughts turning to his empty stomach.

"But no more!" The leader raised a fist. "Today, we take what is rightfully ours!"

The minions yelled in approval.

"Phase one of the revolution begins now!" He unfurled a blueprint showing a large factory. "This processing plant packages bananas, the lifeblood of our people. Today, we seize it for the Party!"

Kevin's eyes went wide with shock. Seize it? A chill ran down his spine, even as the minions around him shook their fists zealously. The Workers Party was done with peaceful protest - this was rebellion now. Could he really be part of something so drastic?

His gut churned with uncertainty. But when he saw the fiery hope shining in his comrades' eyes, Kevin knew this was a train he could no longer step off. For better or worse, the minion revolution had begun. He raised his fist and joined the chorus around him:

"Power to the minions!"

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