Chapter 6: Nightmares and Omens

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When the sun slunk away that night, sleep deserted Kevin like a fleeing squad under fire. His mind rattled with thoughts of the coming battle. Tactics. Logistics. Omens of disaster. No mystical oracle needed to foresee the fiasco brewing on the horizon. Just the cold, quaking gut instinct of someone on the frontline.

Exhaustion finally overran him, plunging his mind into the trench nightmare all soldiers know. He found himself slogging through a muddy factory with his fellow minion troops, smeared with the warpaint of bandannas and scraps of armor. Their little platoon buzzed with false confidence, hefting cobbled weapons and gear they surely spent endless nights rigging in basements and sheds.

Then, slithering from the shadows, the enemy emerged. Hulking monster thugs loomed out of the darkness in force. The battalion charged with savage purpose, no mercy or hesitation in their eyes. Only the cold machinery of violence. Shocks rods sizzled, improvised banana bombs whistled through acrid air. In the chaos of combat Kevin scurried for cover, knowing a single grazing shot could pop his head like a bloody balloon. Against such relentless evil, courage alone meant nothing.

It was slaughter. The concrete ran slick with the innards of minions torn asunder, reduced to so much meat and yellow fluid. Still, against desperate hope, a few miners rallied for one last defiant stand. Like an angry tide turned back on itself, their wrath drove the enemy ranks into retreat!

Then Kevin saw him. The general behind it all. A cruel factory boss watching the carnage from his lofty perch, clutching a gold-plated banana scepter. The mythical Banana of Power. Key to dominance over their people. In reckless fury, the surviving minion soldiers concentrated their full firepower on this tyrant. As Kevin grasped desperately for the falling fruit, a final shred of hope—

His eyes shot open to the bleating of alarms. Judgment day had arrived. Time now to brace against the true shape of war in all its obscene terror. Perhaps their coming sacrifice might at least carve one more foothold of freedom for those who survived this slaughter.

With that somber thought, Kevin steeled himself and stepped outside into the waiting dark.

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