Into A New Playground

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(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)

Besides a building, a quartet of children embarked on a vertical ascent. Hailing from the subterranean realm, these youngsters were bound by a mission born out of necessity. Constrained by their poverty, they had been driven to adopt a life of illicit pursuits. Their choices, though seemingly morally fraught, were a product of their circumstances. Limited opportunities and a stark upbringing left them with little alternative. Furthermore, their place of residence wasn't one to offer any kind of leniency. The disparities between Piltover and the underground city were stark and unrelenting. One city basked in affluence and success, while the other was condemned to subsist on meager remnants. The chasm between the two locales was akin to the contrast between night and day.

Piltover, the thriving urban expanse, symbolized progress and prosperity. An epicenter of Valoran's culture, the city thrived through an amalgamation of art, craftsmanship, commerce, and innovation. Its ascension was not powered by military prowess, but rather by the mechanisms of trade and forward-looking ideas. Conversely, Zaun existed as a sprawling undercity, nestled within the labyrinthine canyons and valleys that crisscrossed Piltover. The illumination that managed to seep into its depths was marred by the toxic emissions that leaked from the web of corroded pipelines. Light, when it did manage to break through, danced upon the stained glass of the district's industrial architecture. The connection between these two cities was far from harmonious; their relationship bore the weight of animosity and unease.

This serves as an origin story, delving into the League of Legends characters' early days, unearthing their paths before they became renowned champions. It's an exploration of their transformation and growth into who they're known as today. However, a complication has emerged in the form of the Infinite organization of Darks. Fixating on the popular animated series, they patiently awaited the ebb of its initial fame, seizing the moment when the initial fervor had subsided. Subtly infiltrating the show, a clandestine group of Darks entered the fray. The identities of these fictional interlopers remain shrouded in mystery. As the narrative unfolds, these Darks seem to gather strength, growing more formidable.

Thankfully, the Guardian, Karito, is keeping pace with their machinations. While he may not yet be equipped to face adversaries of supreme might, his strategic acumen enables him to contend with a substantial number of Darks. His approach often borders on recklessness, but his survival and the protection of the storyline necessitate such drastic measures. Adjusting to his new existence, Karito has maintained a discreet presence while vigilantly safeguarding the story's central figures. The seemingly eerie surveillance he conducts on the vital characters stems from his inability to identify the Darks that infiltrated the narrative alongside him.

Karito didn't waste time immersing himself in his new environment, seamlessly integrating into his newfound "family." His natural charm elicited swift appreciation and occasional envy. He navigates the dynamics of each individual adeptly, his understanding of their behaviors informing his interactions. With time, his acting prowess has only grown more refined. Although he dedicates most of his time to Piltover for enemy investigation and overseeing pivotal characters hailing from there, he patrols the city as part of his regular routine, ensuring its safety.

However, there's a persistent feeling of forgetting something, centered around Vi, the slightly older girl. Despite his efforts, his unmatched intelligence and combat skills seem to deter her interest. Similarly, the younger girl, Powder, is drawn to his intellectual side rather than his brawn, unlike her sister. Karito perceives this as an issue, knowing the narrative's trajectory and the importance of maintaining it. His resolve to keep the story on course is steadfast, with alterations being made only when the situation necessitates, particularly when the Darks are involved—as they invariably are.

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