04-10. after everything..

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it had been a whole year and 3 months since max was put into a coma, she hadnt woke up and the doctors called it. they called her dead so.. they unplugged her. she was gone, just like everyone. we all still lived in hawkins, they had somewhat sorted out the place and it looked half what decent now, we were all at my house. it was christmas after all and us and everyones families always went here for christmas.

"eggnog anyone?" mike offered

"no" i said, plainly. this whole thing fucked me up, i hadnt been the same since

"have you.. read the letter yet?" he asked sitting next to me

"no.. i cant bring myself to. everytime i try, my brain says to leave it because shes gonna come back and tell me face-to-face." i said, letting tears out

"she loved you, she still does love you. im sure shes watching you, not very happy though. your destroying yourself, i understand itll never be the same with out her sarcasm, and red hair flowing but.. your gonna pull through, i know you will." he said, pulling me into a hug.

"i miss her. i miss her so fucking much. i dont get it, why her? why such a perfect person?" i said, crying into his shoulder

"go ahead, cry it out. its okay." he said, stroking my back

worst christmas everrrr.


it was the next day, i was sat in my roo listening to max's favourite mix tape of mine. then chester walked in

"tato? you okay?" he said, looking into my red, puffy eyes

"yeah.. i just miss max." i said, lowering the volume on my music. chester was now 8, i can't believe it.

"i know max loves you, she always has. i miss her too, she was always there to help me, and even you." he said, hugging me

"yeah. i just miss her presence. she meant everything to me and they just unplugged her life. just like that." i said, hugging him back

"tato, just read her letter. itll make you smile to read something that came from max." he said, letting me go then walking out the room

i had kept the letter, on my desk. i look at it every time i sit there, or even if im just in my room. i hadnt lost it. i refuse. i was gonna read it, today. i grabbed the letter, opening it slowly. i didnt want to read it because i knew it was the last thing i could remember max by other then the matching bracelet we have. her dead body is still hopefully wearing it, it was there for the funeral. i pulled the letter out and unfolded it, i saw her hand writing and just cried. this was the last thing she wrote.

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