02-08. i love you, max

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it was now a few days after eveything, i was back in the care where i was taken that day. i heard mike on my walkie

"curt hey listen, my mum said shes gonna come adopt you and chester, you wont be there any longer. shes on her way now!" he said

"shit really? no!!" i said, really excited. me and mike were close like brothers anyway.

mrs wheeler had come through to adopt us, successfully being able to. now me and chester were officially apart of the wheeler family.


it was now the snow ball, everything was okay now. will was free from the mind flayer, everyone was safe. i was getting ready for the snow ball with mike, we were both putting on suits.

"is el coming to the dance?" i asked him

"yeah, hops letting her out one night" mike said smiling

"yeah, thats good" i said

"you asking anyone?" he asked

"uh, i dont know. probably not." i said

"you should ask max" he said

"wha- no me and her are just friends" i said in defence, i never really wanted to admit my feelings for max

"curtis, cmon dude i see how you look st eachother." he said, looking dead in my eyes

"okay, yeah i like her but she likes lucas! theres no way!" i said

"lucas spoke to you about this, he told me dickface. he doesnt like her, she even told him on the bus she likes you!" mike said

"okay, we'll see michael" i said smiling

"boys cmon! pictures!" karen shouted

"coming!" mike shouted "cmon curty"

we both went downstairs, karen holding a camera

"stand there, together" she said, moving us both

she took a few photos before getting individual ones of us.

"cmon mum are you done yet?" mike said

"almost just a few more!" she said

"mum!" he shouted

"okay im done there!" karen said "nancy! are you done?"

"yeah!" she said coming down the stairs

"go boys, get in the car" karen said, we both went to get into the car


we were now at the snow ball, it was just me, mike, will and lucas

"so curt, you asking max to dance?" lucas asked

"i dont know, mike tried convincing me before" i said

"hey well, she 100% likes you." lucas said

"yeah, i dunno. i see how she looks at you" i said

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