03-07. what is that thing!

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el and hopper were sat in the fountain together, me and max were also sat on the fountain, my head in her lap and she strokes my hair and everyone else stood there

"the mind flayer, it built this monster in hawkins, to stop el, to kill her and pave a way into our world." mike explained

"and it almost did. that was just one tiny piece of it." nancy said

"how big is this thing?" hopper asked

"its big, 30 feet atleast" jonathan said

"yeah. it sorta destroyed your cabin sorry" lucas said

"okay just to be clear, this big fleshy spider thing, that hurt me. its some kinda gigantic weapon?" steve said

"yes" nancy said

"but instead of like screws and metal, it made its weapon melted people?" steve asked

"yep, exactly" nancy said

"okay, just making sure" steve said

"are we sure this things still even out there?" joyce said

"el beat the shit out of it but yeah, yeah its still alive" max said

"but if we close the gate again-" will said

"we could the brain off from the body" max said

"and kill it, theoretically." lucas said

"yoo-hoo! yoo-hoo!" the man with the beard, murray shouted

we all walked over to him so he could explain what he wanted to

"this is what alexei called the hub. now the hub takes us to the vault room" he explained

"okay wheres the gate?" hopper asked

"right here, i dont know the scale on this but i think its fairly close to the vault room, 50 feet or so."

"more like 500. what your just gonna walk in there like its commie disneyland or something?" erica said

"im sorry, who are you?"

"erica sinclair, who are you"

"murray.. bauman.."

"listen mr bunman, im not tryna tell you how to do things but ive been down in that shit hole for 24 hours and with all due respect, you do what this man tells you, your gonna die"

"im sorry, why is this 4 year old speaking to me?"

"im ten you bald bastard!"


"just the facts!"

"she's right, your gonna die but you dont have to. excuse me, can i?" dustin said

"please." murray said sarcastically

"okay, see this room here? this is a storage facility. theres a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system. that will lead you to the base of the weapon. its a bit of a maze down there, but between me and erica, we can show you the way." dustin explained

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