04-01. what happend?

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everyone was in high school now, max didnt really speak to anyone except me and she was now seeing the counsellor due to her trauma. im glad she was getting the help she needs. today was the pep rally for school and steve was taking me, robin and max to school.

"then there's heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with heidi is that she's going out of state for college. do I wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex? i mean, I don't know. does that make sense to you? robin, are you listening?" steve rambles on

"uh, yes" robin responds

"what did i just say?" steve asks to prove she wasnt listening

"something about sex with linda." robin said, throwing her hands in the air

"no im talking about heidi!" steve said scoffing

"cut me some slack, please. well... your love life is one of labyrinthine complexity. it is 7:00 in the morning, we have the stupid pep rally, and i woke up looking like a corpse." robin said doing her make up

"you're worried about a pep rally? expect me to believe that?"

"yeah? so?"

"so we both know what this is about. not buying that. this is about vickie."

"absolutely not."

"it is. you know what else?"

"i dont care..."

"you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her. you just gotta be yourself."

"you're literally quoting me to me. you do realize that."

"maybe you need to listen to yourself. ever think about that? i listened. look at me. boom. back in business."

"it's not the same thing. okay? well... you ask out a girl and she says no. big deal. nothing happens. maybe your ego's a little bruised. i ask out the wrong girl, and bam, im a town pariah."

"id buy that, except Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl."

"we just don't know that, do we?"

"she returned fast times paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. know who pauses fast times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds? people who like boobies, robin.

"ew gross! dont say boobies!" robin said

"boobies, not a big deal. i like boobies, you like boobies, curt likes boobies. vicky definitely likes boobies." steve said, making everyone scoff "its boobies." he said

we arrived at school, me and max pushing past people to get to where dustin and mike where. we sat down and waited for this thing to start.

"and let's hear it for your tigers!" a man says, making all the basketball team run out into the hall, jason grabbing the mic

"whoo! good morning, hawkins high! first off... hey. first off, id like to thank each and every one of you. without your support, we wouldn't be here. give yourselves a big hand. and of course, of course, have to give a special shout-out to the best and the prettiest fans of all time, the tiger cheer Squad." he said pointing to the girls

"yeah!" came from the crowd

"chrissy... chrissy, i love you, babe." jason said blowing a kiss to her

"aww!" came from the crowd

"you know... i think i can speak for all of us when i say its been a tough year for hawkins. so much loss. and sometimes i wonder, how much loss can one community take? in dark days like this,
we need something to believe in. so, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to christian academy, i looked at my team, and i said, think of jack. think of melissa. think of heather think of billy." jason says, making everyone stare at max

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