02-04. will are you okay?

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i woke up, my dad wasnt home still. i began to worry, he always came home no matter what. i got ready for school then woke chester up, getting him ready aswell and then taking him to school

"bye bud, have a good day" i said, him running into class

i biked of to my school, putting my bike on the racks then going into school. i thought to go see mr wilson first, i wanted his help.

"mr wilson?" i said knocking

"come in" i heard, i opened the door seeing him sat at his desk

"i need to speak to you.. about my dad" i said sitting down

"course, whats up kiddo" he said

"uh.. yesterday he was gone before i got back from school ive had to take chester to school everyday this week because hes gotten worse. and last night im guessing he didnt come home.. because he wasnt there this morning and im worried" i said holding tears back

"okay kiddo, tell you what. il try get ahold of your dad before the end of the day, if i cant il let you know and then we'll go from there okay?" he said, his voice was very soothing

"okay, thanks sir.." i said walking out

i needed to let everything out so i went to the bathroom before class.

"fucking daddy issues man. i hate him!" i said crying into my knees

after i had my little breakdown i went back to class, you could see i had been crying but i didn't notice that.

"sit down curtis" mr clarke said to me

"already regret coming into this class" i said going to sit down, causing mr clarke to let out an agitated sigh


it was now the end of class, max followed me

"curtis you okay?" she asked

"im fine max." i said

"yeah okay, and im a boy. your eyes were all puffy and red when you walked into class before"

"i said im fine max! jesus." i said walking off

i found the boys and they were all eating on the stairs as usual, i never ate because i never brought anything. i never had time to get myself food.

"hey curt" lucas said

"heyy curtis" mike said

"hi curt" said dustin

"hey guys wheres will?" i said sitting down

"we dont know, im gonna try call them now" mike said getting up and going to the phone box, max came out the door to sit with us

"hey guys" she said sitting down

"hey" lucas and dustin said back

mike ran back "AV club, now." he said running off max tried to get up and come but mike was having non of it "party members only"

"sorry max" lucas and dustin said

we all went to the AV room with mike and he started to explain what will saw, halloween night. will already told me though, the day after.

"so thats why was frozen like that?" dustin asked

"can it hurt him?" i ask worried for him

"technically, since hes in another planet it wont be able hurt him, so no" dustin said

"okay thats good." i said

"if thats even what's happening, this isnt d&d this is real life" lucas said

boys dont cry || max maxfield x male!ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora