04-05. eddie and max.

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curts pov:

we had taken max back to my house to get some rest as well as everyone else. we we're gonna stay together at my house since its the biggest and everyone knew it more then anyone elses. one person was gonna stay up and watch max every hour. i woke up a few times through the night, keeping an eye on max. i woke up due to the walkie going of, it was eddie. nancy was already awake though

"nancy, wheres max!" i shouted

"shit, eddie im gonna have to call you back" nancy said waking up dustin "dustin! wheres max?"

"shes right there.. a second ago." he said, wiping the drool of himself

"i swear to god dustin, if my girlfriends fucking dead because of you!" i said running off upstairs, i went into the kitchen and saw max drawing with holly "oh fuck.." i huffed, nancy and dustin behind me

"i think its sweet how you are sticking together like this" karen says

"could try sticking together at a different house for a change" ted says reading the news paper

"you know your welcome anytime" karen says

"totally. your like family, may i?" dustin asks pointing at the pancakes, making karen nod, me and nancy went over to max

"hey, you feeling okay?" nancy said

"just couldnt sleep, people kept blasting music down my ears for some reason" max said sarcastically "but holly let me borrow her crayons and weve been having fun havent we holly?" she said, holly hums back

"is that what you saw last night?" nancy asks, max nodding

"do you think vecnas trying to scare you?" nancy asks max

"with billy? yeah. but when i made it here.. i dunno something was different, he seems surprised. like he didnt want me there"

"maybe you infiltrated his mind, he invaded your mind right? is it that big a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his?"

"like freddie kruegers boiler room" dustin said "just think about it what if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to vecnas world..? somewhere in this incredible vague drawing." he said sarcastically

"god we need will" i say

"no shit" dustin said, pointing the obvious

"i tried them again this morning and it was the same busy signal" max says, scoffing

"is that a window?" nancy asks max pointing to her drawing


"stained glass with roses?"

"yeah, see im not so bad at drawing after all" max said to dustin

"yeah well it helps ive seen this before. it pieces to a house" nancy said folding up the papers and putting them together "not just any house, victor creels house." she said drawing black lines on and getting up

"where are you going?" i ask

"to wake the others" she responds, dustin follows her


we were now all planned to go to victor creels abandoned house, apparently nancy thinks were gonna get some help from going there but i think max will end up dying there. because she's cursed by this freak and were going to were he lives? i think were all mad.

"okay, lets go." nancy said, her and robin leaving

"this is ao dodgy. you could die if we go here" i said to max as we follow the two girls

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