Chapter 120 Program Effect

Start from the beginning

After appearing in an outrageous variety show that was popular all over China, Su Maoyan's popularity reached the peak of his life so far.

As soon as a person becomes popular, there will be more disputes. Perhaps it is because of his face, perhaps because of his youth, or perhaps because of the spice of "Yanyu". More and more people are interested in him on the Internet, so it is inevitable Someone took a deep look at his information.

More than a year ago, Su Maoyan rarely left any personal traces on the Internet. Apart from occasionally playing games, he had almost no other social media accounts and would not publish his own information online, so go ahead twenty-five years ago. After digging through the years, the only thing that can be found out is that he has been an outstanding student since he was a child.

But since June last year, news about him has been emerging one after another. Only then did everyone discover that Su Maoyan was famous for many things, and he had even been interviewed by a TV station.

In this way, Su Maoyan's appearance on the show does not seem so strange.

But some people questioned him because of his excessive activity.

"Do you want to make a career? Can't you be a good doctor if you are a doctor? And the mosaic at the end always feels like advertising."

Not many people think this way, but not few either. Unfortunately, here in Su Maoyan, slaps in the face always come quickly.

Without Su Maoyan taking any action personally, the patients threw out a form of Su Maoyan's activities in the past month.

From Monday to Wednesday I go to Yaowang Town for consultation, on Thursday I take the lead in a research project of the National Association at Ping An Hospital, on Friday I go to Wanan Hall for consultation, and I spend one to two weekends every month participating in social welfare activities, either Free clinic, or free science popularization.

"I would like to ask, if you really want to make a debut, will there be such a schedule? And in order to do the show, our Dr. Su opened a shop for one day less. Don't you know how sad he is?!"

After this sentence, netizens also attached an emoticon of Su Maoyan.

It is exactly the frowning expression captured in the show. He is still invincibly handsome, but when paired with the words "Dr. Su is unhappy" below, it is very funny.

Su Maoyan looked at the newly launched Dr. Su emoticons with a blank expression, and had the urge to delete them all.

However, Qin Yu also liked it very much and used this set of emoticons to tease Dr. Su every day.

As soon as Dr. Su's schedule came out on the Internet, those who questioned him did not shut up. Although the suspicion of Su Maoyan's debut was cleared, the suspicion of Su Maoyan's hype cannot be cleared.

By appearing in the media so frequently, he must be trying to hype himself up. Maybe he is the one with the best, but the worst among them?

Although this idea is a bit ridiculous, there are still a lot of people who think this way. This cannot be blamed on the masses. In this era where everything can be hyped, it is inevitable that everyone will think wrong.

Su Maoyan was not surprised after reading these comments on his Weibo.

He directly replied to one person: "I really want to promote Chinese medicine, so I agreed to be on this show. Now it seems to be working well. I hope everyone can take this opportunity to learn more about Chinese medicine. Thank you."

As an upright doctor who doesn't know much about online public opinion and doesn't pay much attention to it, and who does whatever he wants, Su Maoyan didn't think there was anything wrong with his reply, so he put down his phone immediately after typing and continued to treat patients.

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