Chapter 93 - 94

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Chapter 93 Project Begins

People who study Western medicine may not have heard of the term "pentaphonic therapy", but those who have a wider exposure should know about music therapy. In foreign countries, the subject of music therapy has existed even decades ago. Although it is a marginal subject, it has developed relatively maturely and completely.

Of course Lei Yu knew about music therapy, and some of her friends even worked as music therapists in psychological clinics abroad, but she really didn't understand the concept of "five-tone therapy."

In fact, the concept of using music to relieve diseases was mentioned in the "Huangdi Neijing" more than 2,000 years ago. Although music is not medicine, in the process of listening to music, according to the different characteristics of the music score, the listener can have the effects of circulating Qi and blood, relieving tension, calming the mind and calming the mind, etc.

As for "Five Tones Therapy", specifically, it uses the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements to connect the five tones of "Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu" and the five internal organs, and use different tones to treat diseases.

For example, the sound "Gong" is the "do" in the music. Its sound is melodious and smooth, and it also contains the meaning of harmony. Therefore, it is considered to be able to clear up the spleen and relieve some neurasthenia or insomnia diseases. The representative music is "Fishing Boat Sings Evening" and the like.

Of course, "Five Tones Therapy" is only a supporting relief measure and cannot be used as the main treatment method. However, if a complete rehabilitation plan is discussed, Su Maoyan feels that this therapy can be added to it.

His reason is also very simple: "For patients with coronary heart disease, their psychological burden is actually very heavy. In addition, PCI surgery has many risks and complications. Even if the surgery is successful, the patient cannot put down his psychological burden." Burden will instead create a suspicious mood, which is not beneficial to cardiac rehabilitation. On the contrary, the low mood will lead to problems."

The heart disease patients Su Maoyan has seen may have some emotional problems because the disease is in the heart.

Emotions cause disease. This theory is recognized by both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. A bad mental state can even make a healthy person suffer from all kinds of diseases. Therefore, regardless of traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, patients will maintain a good mentality.

Music therapy sounds illusory, but in fact many people like to listen to music when they are in a bad mood, when they can’t sleep, and when they are excited. These are all the effects of music.

John nodded at this time. He actually didn't understand the previous blood stasis and phlegm, but he understood music therapy.

He said: "I think Su's idea is very good. In fact, our hospital also has music therapists. If we can find some clearer music that can be used to soothe the psychological condition of PCI patients, we can also include it in the rehabilitation plan."

After all, for patients, listening to music is still very simple, much simpler than taking medicine, and it can indeed regulate emotions.

John admired and agreed very much and said to Su Maoyan: "Your ideas are very comprehensive and thoughtful."

He really hadn't thought of this method before.

John couldn't help but pay more attention to Su Maoyan's opinion, and asked: "Then what sleep are you talking about? I understand what you mean. You definitely want the patient to adjust his sleep state to promote cardiac recovery, but In traditional Chinese medicine, how do you generally help people adjust their sleep?"

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