Chapter 92 Discussion Plan

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Huang Xiao, who is very spiritual, made his own outstanding contribution to this meeting, while Su Maoyan gained the friendship of the three experts after the party.

"Let's talk next time we meet!" Expert Ning felt that there was still something unfinished and thought he could chat with Su Maoyan for a while longer.

The other two experts had similar feelings, but today, Saturday, everyone still had things to do, so they could only reluctantly part ways.

Su Maoyan said goodbye to Leiyu and the others, and went to meet Qin Yu, because the two of them were going to see red pandas together today.

"It arrived in Hua City yesterday and is in very good condition. It will stay for a few more days to check its health and then it can be released into the forest."

Su Maoyan felt a little relieved after hearing this.

And now Comrade Shan Dawang is eating bamboo shoots while looking at the humans around him.

These humans don't know why, but they start screaming when they see it.

Hey, bears are indeed very charming.

Thinking this, it speeded up, gnawed away the bamboo shoots in its hands, and walked towards one of the humans.

"It's coming!"

"Have you noticed that it is really smart!"

"Yeah, I feel like it's smarter than the red pandas we found and rescued before."

There is a reason for saying this. This red panda was sent here because of a "leg injury". In fact, no problem was found during the inspection, but its right hind leg was always numb, otherwise it would not be possible. A special trip will be made to transfer it from the capital to Hua City for treatment.

But I didn't expect that its legs would heal as soon as it arrived, and it wasn't afraid of people at all, let alone aggressive.

Yesterday when the keeper was putting down the food and about to leave, it raised its paws and waved to the keeper. As a result, the keeper turned around and saw that something in his pocket had fallen to the ground.

It also knows how to step back and let the keepers pick things up.

While they were talking, Su Maoyan and Qin Yu arrived.

Qin Yu asked his friend at the protection center: "Are there any problems with its inspection results?"

"No problem, we plan to release it next Monday."

They had done similar things before, and the release location was also chosen. Qin Yu nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, that's what you should have done."

While Qin Yu was talking to his friend, Su Maoyan slowly approached the red panda separated by a glass window.

After seeing him, the red panda pricked up its ears, then extended its paws and waved.

Xiangxiang came to see the bears.

Su Maoyan looked at the red panda carefully and found that it was in good spirits and its fur was shiny. He raised his hand and waved to it with confidence.

The staff member smiled after seeing their interaction and said, "It's really not afraid of people at all."

Yes, Su Maoyan thought to himself, he is the king of the mountain, and he has taught a bunch of small animals to ask humans for food.

The Shan Dawang red panda was released very smoothly on Monday, and the news received a small amount of coverage on Weibo and other online media.

The red panda in the report was looking at the screen intently, with a long fluffy tail curled around its side. Its expression looked particularly curious, and one of its paws was trying to reach out to touch the camera.

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