C 18 - Confession to Prom

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Monday Morning, (4 days to prom night ),

"I'm late, I'm late!!" I said to myself while stuffing my bag with my books. "I can't believe I overslept!" I quickly slipped into some jeans, sneakers and a decent green Nike T-shirt. I slammed my bedroom door and ran down the upstairs hallway, I ran past bad's study/bedroom. I would've said good-bye but he was off on let another business trip for 3 weeks, of course he missed prom on coming Friday. I sighed as I quickly clumped down the stair and jumped the last 2 straight down. I took out my communicator that  I made myself and slipped it in my ear and it beeped to life, while trying my air up with my hairband. Yeah sure, it took about a 2 weeks to design and make, all 8 of them, for me and the ninja. I sketched the designs through before our maths quiz and managed to assemble everything after school. The cool thing is that I can alert the red ninja when there's a disturbance in the city, now that we know that we're dealing with the heir to the Chen family.

I got into my car and as my driver drove to school I looked out the window at the paved streets and skyline of ninjago, dipped in the Monday morning sun and the sparkling drops of midnight dew. I soon became lost in thought.

I felt as if I really owe the red ninja an explanation on why I knew so much about the rich and politically powerful families of ninjago so well, especially when that specific family was never heard from 14 years. True I did read a lot while I was home-schooled. But I knew a lot about the Chen family because I've heard that dad used to do a lot of business deals with the chen's before they were supposedly framed for some crime and just -without any explanation, disappeared. And this new heir appearing took me by surprise, left me hope that this legendary family survived. 

"uhm.. Sir?"


"we have arrived at school sir. You may wanna run since there's only 3 minutes until the bell" I jerked my head out and stumbled out of the car. The driver left I ran inside and managed to open my locker and get some stuff out, including my sketchbook with some new cool designs or the ninja's suits with some sweet upgrades. Maybe someday they would trust me enough.

"sorry I'm late"

I hung my head as I walked into my first class. The teacher glared at me as I took my usual seat next to kai, who was chewing a pen in borem. "hey"


"you're never late. Something wrong?" Kai opened his book and looked at me with concern in his hazel eyes. Well, thank you kai, but everything is wrong!! I wanted to scream and tell him everything but telling my real identity to my closest friend might be of risk. Especially in these circumstances. "n-no. Totally fine" I lied, I can't believe i stuttered. "if where's anything to talk, just remember that, i-I'm always there for you lloyd. Promise me that." I nod, returning a soft smile. I take out my books and class starts. 

Normally, I set my full attention in class, but today was different, my mind kept whizzing everywhere. One second I'm thinking about homework, next Rushiko, the red ninja, and before I knew I'm thinking about breakfast, which I realized that I didn't eat this morning. Total chaos. I swore under my breath and looked up at the board, trying to pick up the pieces. "maybe Rushiko is causing this. She does have some control over me. Does it also include my mind?" I asked myself, maybe a little too loudly because the teacher cleared her throat. "everything okay lloyd?" She asked. The whole class stared at me. I hopelessly turned to kai, he looked as equally confused. 

"uhm.. Miss, lloyd just needs to go to the nurse's office, he said that he's having a stomachache because he didn't eat breakfast this morning."

"how- thanks kai"

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