C 16 - Walks

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I opened my eyes, I was tied down my chains. crystal shards surrounded me, I saw my refection, I had a bloody nose and a few scratches that were bleeding. I was in my samurai amour. I looked around. Without an explanation, tears fell from my eyes, I couldn't stop it, it just poured out. I closed my eyes and tried to center my mind. 

"where was i?" 

I felt an uneasiness and I opened my eyes, I tip of a Jade dagger was aimed at my nose. I carefully looked up to see....-Rushiko!! I wanted to scream but no sound came out, as if my mouth of binded together. Rushiko stared at me, they're dark green eyes gleaming. I struggled against the chains but they didn't budge. I calmed myself and spoke with my mind, not my mouth. "what do you want Rushiko?" I glared right into their eyes. "nothing lloyd-" how did they know my name? "please don't interfere. Stay away. I don't you getting hurt by her" Rushiko Looked away, her expression softened. I blinked a few times, trying to process all the information. "who are you really?" I tried my best to sound intimidating. "not your problem. Just stay out of my business and you'll get away unhurt and alive. Medal and you won't be that lucky"  I nodded quickly. "what is happening?" I said, my tone became unstable. "the dagger.......it was poison....now I control your senses.....briefly "  Rushiko said.

But before I could answer, I was shaken awake. I swatted their hand away and groaned. I opened my eyes to see kai's brown hair, he had a worried expression on his face and he looked a but red on his cheeks. After a few seconds my vision cleared and I realized that kai's nose was almost brushing mine. I gasped a little and I felt as if my cheeks exploded. "mph!!" I said muffled and kai jumped back, startled. I got up and realized that I didn't have my gym shirt on. And my shoulder was also bandaged. "kai, you okay?" I said as I touch my forehead trying to process everything.

"i'm f-fine, thanks. but the more concerning right now is,  are 'you' okay?" i nod a bit. i bite my lower lip and look at kai, he looked a bit pale but his cheeks were very red. "school is over right?" i ask. "yeah..i kind of skipped a few periods-" "why?!" i raised my voice. i quickly wished that i could take it back because kai looked a bit taken aback. no no no no!!! this is all Rushiko's fault! She has temporary control! ugh! i looked away in disgust. 

"maybe we could to walk home together?" kai said with a sparkle in his eyes. "oh okay"i agreed. i can't walk home alone anyways. 

Time skip!

I kick a little pebble as anger builds up inside me. How could rushiko?! Curse her!! I'm her little puppet now! And she knows who I am!! What if she tells her boss then I'm toast! I let out a frustrated grunt. "you okay? You seem... Stressed about something " kai asked, his tone concerned. "I'm fine...just...-" I stopped. I can't tell kai yet. What if rushiko takes control again  and I cause chaos and, and,and- "hey. Lloyd, you know that you can tell me anything. " kai's fingers brushed mine. I felt warm and my stomach tingled a bit. "t-hanks" I replied, feeling a lot better.

We continued to walk in silence. Kai occasionally whistling or the wind rustling the branches alone the road. Finally, I came to my street. "so uh....see you on Monday I guess" I hugged kai lightly. It took a few minutes before kai hugged me back. "yeah" 

Time skip!

I lay in my bed in my pajamas, my phone laying on my side table, next to my head band. "what if I mess up? What if she takes over in battle? Will I unknowingly betray the ninja, will the Hurt the red ninja?-" My head hurt from all the burning questions. My fainting was rather unusual, I'm sure rushiko had something to do with it! Ugh. I missed kai's comforting voice, I missed the red ninja's sarcasm. I unknowingly grin at the mention. "maybe we'll meet again" 

Before I know it, I'd fallen asleep in my bed. The late night wind flowing through my window.

Next day!

I woke up to my alarm and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I almost fell down the stairs when I saw my father reading a newspaper and drinking a mug of coffee. "father?!" I exclaimed and in shrill voice -damn you morning voice!

My father looked up from his paper with a back face. He nodded grimly and went back to reading it. I sat down in front of him. "I heard about school yesterday " he said after a moment of silence. "y-yes" I answered nervously, afraid that he might lash out at me. He just nodded at my response. "you fainted. Right?" "mph hm!" I nod. "feeling better?" "yeah. Well, kai helped me-" my father glared at me with his keen eyes. I paused, gulped and dared to continue. "kai stayed in the nurse's office and we talked to home....together" I said. "you've been talking about this kid for about a month now, son" "and?- 

"I don't like him" 

My eyes widened. "father, it- it's too early for this- " "did I make myself clear?!" He said a bit louder. I went alert and immediately answered, "yes" and ate my breakfast in silence.

After breakfast, father got up and leave but I stood up too, "why? Kai's such a nice guy-" "don't argue with me. He's poor and you 'know' that we avoid those people" he spat out and stormed out before I could answer. "what just happened?" I say to myself as I slap my forehead.


A/N - Suuuuper sorry for not updating soon enough. I have a better one coming next. Idk what to name this chapter bruh. 

I reason for not updating is coz I waited until i got school holidays and I got busy with my drawing commissions and just didn't have time ^^'

Words ofc: 1030 (I wanted to do 1200+ but idk wtf to write loll)



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