The four remained at the garden until late, they had only left when they had been called for supper by Ser Erryk and his twin brother. The four of them left to their own chambers.

Rhaella's legs felt heavy beneath her as she walked to her chamber. She felt exhausted since she woke up today. With Loren spending her time with Alicent she had no one to speak with or be help with undress.

Rhaella had laid in the tub for god's know how long. Her mind at ease until it wasn't, her children kept coming to her thoughts. This should have made her happy to see her children even if it was only in her dreams.

But she couldn't see their faces... she was forgetting them. No! She had forgotten what they had looked like.

She tried to remember but she couldn't only a blurry face looked back at her. This broke her as she unconsciously began to drift lower into the tub. She felt like a failure to her children, like a failure of a mother. What broke her most was that it hadn't been that long since her own mother died and she had forgotten what she looked like as well.

This would be her last time coming back, she couldn't relieve these once more... she had relieved this shit show far too many times. She just wanted peace, she just wanted to die in peace and to stay dead.

Too deep in thought she had not heard the screams of someone until she was pulled from the tub, a cough leaving her lips. Rhaenyra looked at her as Lyanna and Laena held her their eyes held nothing but worry as they pulled her from the tub.

"What were you thinking?" Lyannas asked as they sat her in her bed. "What?" That was all Rhaella said as she looked at the three of them. "You were drowning!" Laena shouted as she held her shoulders. Rhaella's eyes held confusion. Had she?

Rhaenyra did not speak as she held her sister. "I forgot what they look like" Was all Rhaella whispered making Rhaenyra cry... she too had forgotten what her brave boys looked like long ago. Faceless children hunted her dreams for moons now.

The three of them had helped Rhaella change for the supper with the king. Lyanna had left when they arrived at the dining room where the rest of the royal party waited for them. Visery's eyes held worry as he saw the devasted look on her daughter, his hand gripped the cup of wine as Rhaella sat down next to Laena.

Supper seemed to go agonizingly slow for the youngest of the two sisters. When it finally ended Rhaella had been the first one to leave much to Viserys dislike after all he had wished for a word with her. Rhaella quickened her pace to her bedchamber where Loren would most likely be waiting for her.

Loren sat by the fire as Rhaella made her way in, Ser Erryk inside as well. The three held a conversation about what was to happen later that night. Ser Erryk had seen the Lady Alicent exiting the chambers of the king late one night not a day after the exile of the Hightowers.

He had come to Rhaella with this information making the girl sigh, at the news as if she had not known. "Velaries is to be in the garden once I leave my bed chambers!" Loren nodded. "Erryk, you should wait for me at the garden, boat will wait for you and my court later this morning!" The knight nodded.

"Be careful out there Rhaella, I will not be able to protect you that far out... Stay away from the forest at night, the children of the forest are not welcome with travelers." Loren warned before handing her a pendent to keep her safe. Rhaella nodded before hugging her, a long hug before separating.

Rhaella knew her sister had her own plan to get Alicent to wed the king. Sadly Rhaella would have to interfere on this one.

When she left her bed chamber she wore riding leaders as she walked down the halls of the Keep. By now it was well past midnight she knew Alicent would be at the chambers of the King by now.

Rhaella walked down the hallways and into her father's chambers. She knew what she would walk into. She mentally prepared herself.

Two knights were stationed by the doors of Viserys bed chambers. "Opened the door I must speak with my father!" Both knights looked at one another but bowed down.

As she made her way inside she saw Alicent and Viserys kissing. A low sigh left her lips before she began to scream. "How could you!" Both jumped away from one another.

"Rhaella!" Viserys whispered. "You Whore! Is this why you ignore my sister because you're being fucking the King?" Rhaella sneered.

"Rhaella please I - I" Alicent did not know what to say as Rhaella walked towards Viserys. "You couldn't wait for the mourning period huh? You want a son so bad?" Rhaella cried.

"Rhaella I must marry!"

"Marry her but you will never have Targaryen all you will have are half-breeds whose eggs will not hatch! They will not be seen as Targeryans!" Rhaella curse.


"Marry your whore! You will never be Queen Alicent! You might have the title but no one will love you! You whore" Rhaella screamed.

"Rhaella Please! Let me explain-" Alicent begged only to be slapped by the younger girl. "Rhaella!" Viserys screamed.

"That son you so much wish for! The son that wears the conqueror crown! Perhaps is not a son that sits on the iron throne!! Opened your eyes Viserys! You old fool!" Rhaella sneered.

Viserys went wide-eyed at the words of his daughter. How had she known of his dream?

"You are a pathetic excuse of a king! You are weak! Daemon should have sided with Rhaenys she would have been a better ruler than you!" Rhaella spoke

"Rhaella allow me to explain! Please!" Alicent begged holding onto the girl's legs. "He made me do it! Father!" Sob the Hightower. Her cry fell on deaf ears. "The old gods should have their way with you when your time comes!" Rhaella spit on the girl's face before leaving Viserys in his bed chambers.

A crying Alicent on the ground. Many servants stood outside as they witnessed the fight between Rhaella and Viserys. The whispers of what had happened would follow soon after.

Rhaella left a grin on her lips as she saw her she-dragon her freedom from this place waiting for her. Ser Erryk waited for her with a large coat in his hand before handing it to Rhaella.

"We should meet one another in Winterfell! Once you and my court arrive!" Rhaella spoke making Erryk nod.

"Be careful Rhaella. Valaries I know you do not know what I will say but protect Rhaella!" The knight spoke before hugging her.

"Go!" Rhaella nodded as she mounted her She dragon. "Savos! Valaries!"


- That's a wrap-up for Act I

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- That's a wrap-up for Act I.
- Thoughts so far?
- Also I need names. I am running out of ideas.
- It will take me around a month I want to say to upload Act II. I have it mapped out but I want to make sure that it makes sense and that it's not rushed.

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