"You presume correct My Lord!" Rhaella spoke as she made her way to Cregan's side. "Mama?" Rhaella looked down to see a girl. "Who might you be? Little one." Rhaella laughed as she took the girl from Cregan. "Mama!" The youngest of the stark children spoke.

"Lilith," Cregan whispered making Rhaella nod. "But no little one! Not your mama" Rhaella smiled.

She took a seat next to Cregan as Lilith sat in her lab. "I hope your travel here was pleasant?" Rickon spoke.

"It was my Lord!" Rhaenyra answered. Gilliane eyes shifted from her eldest to her secondborn. "You believe me now mother?" Lyanna whispered as she saw Rhaella giggle at something Cregan had said.

"I do... I have never seen your brother like this before." Gilliane laughed. The food was brought out soon after a small prayer was said before they began to eat.

"Let me take Lilith!" A nursemaid spoke causing the young girl to cry as she held onto Rhaella's dress. "It is fine. I do not mind!" Rhaella smiled reassuring the girl.

She had been used to eating with a child in her lab who would refuse to leave her side... her sweet Joseph.

"Mama?" Lilith asked as she saw Rhaella's eyes become glossy. "I'm ok, how about some meat?" Rhaella asked as she fed the child.

With breakfast done they all stood Lilith still attached to Rhaella.

"You will be a great mother when you have children of your own!" Lady Gilliane smiled from where she stood. "Children that will probably look like Lilith!" Lyanna tease.

"Lyanna!" Many shouted causing the girl to laugh. "Perhaps Lyanna, Perhaps!" Rhaella smiled as she looked at Cregan before looking down at Lilith. The girl remained her of her youngest Elaena.

Cregan's little princess. "My Lord, would you mind showing me around?" Rhaella asked. "Of course!" Cregan smile. The three left with Ser Erryk behind.

"My Lord, if we may?" Rhaenyra spoke making Cregan nod the two of them leaving. "Harwin. When will you ask for her hand?" Lyanna teased the boy.

"When your brother asked for Rhaellas." Lyanna gave him a look. "Never? My brother will never grow a pair and do that! I believe Rhaella would be the one to ask for his!"

"Lyanna! You and that foul mouth of yours!" Lady Gilliane hiss. "You will be my end! May the gods be good to me!"

"Do not be so exasperated mother. You taught me to speak what I believe!" Lyanna spoke as a matter of fact. "My sisters would like to know if they could explore the palace?" Harwin spoke as both sisters stood beside him.

"Of course! Lyanna show Rhaenyra's ladies around the castle!" Lyanna nodded as she left with the girls.

"Will you wait for Princess Rhaenyra?" Harwin nodded.

Cregan, Rhaella, and Lilith laughed as Cregan's Dior Wolf jumped on Cregan causing him to fall. Placing Lilith down Rhaella helped Cregan only for Skull to push her on top of his owner.

The two of them laughed as Rhaella sat up. Their eyes connected and it seemed everything else faded and only they were there.

The two inched close to one another, their eyes going from their lips and back to their eyes. "Mama!" Lilith giggled bringing the two out of their trance.

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