Chapter 51

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I watched as the cheap plastic wristband easily unraveled from my joint and gradually fell to the floor. With the amateur signifier now forcefully detached from me, I found myself wondering what precisely Kendall's elusive action had meant. I didn't have too long to ponder on the thought, when the man's lips began trailing open-cuffed kisses from my hand, up my arm, and eventually towards the apex of my needy lips. 

I responded to his addictive efforts by intentionally tilting my head inward, so that our lips could inescapably connect. When they first met, I tried to remember the last time we'd truly kissed with such fire. Or, if we ever had. There always seemed to be a guarded layer of skepticism circulating between the two us whenever we engaged in any form of intimacy.

But, this kiss felt much different. The anger, mixed in with need, that we'd both been clinging onto throughout the duration of the trip now led to a blazing explosion of unreleased emotions.

Our kiss was passionate, steamy, desperate, and sexy all in one. I couldn't seem to get enough of his repeated assaults to my lips. He took his time pleasuring my mouth, each time initiating the kiss with slow and savory brushes, but eventually picking up speed. Every fiery moment shared between us felt ethereal, like it had been just the two of us alone in a field comprised of lavish majestic roses.

But, in reality, we'd been in a sex club full of strangers.

Over time, the people in my peripheral began to fade away, as my attention honed in on the intoxicating man currently standing in front of me and fixated on devouring me whole. When he brought his hands up towards my cheeks and used his thumbs to tenderly graze along my skin, my hands voluntarily hooked around his neck. As I grasped at the wavy ends of his hair, he hummed into my mouth, revealing that he too enjoyed my cradled attention.

Eventually, our heavy kisses began to deepen into a lustful liplock. I moaned at the change in tempo, while Kendall, who seemed to have an affinity for French kissing, impatiently slid his tongue into my mouth. His tongue felt wet and soft, effectively complimenting mine as we rolled against one another.

I took full appreciation of Kendall's Greek heritage, which now proved to be beneficial as I melted against his plump Ambrose lips. Even amidst the pounding music, my ears took pleasure in the erotic sounds our wet, slapping mouths made each time they collided. The promising feel of his light finger strokes to my cheeks, coupled with his intoxicating cherry scent, eventually led to me helplessly releasing a hefty moan into the air.

As I hopelessly fell further into his arms, I squeezed the strands of his grown-out hair even harder and clutched them possessively in my fingertips. As I widened my mouth to adjust to the intensity and quickened pace of his sultry kisses, I admittedly became determined to match his fluent speed. 

But, much to my dismay, my jaw eventually began to tire out from how insatiably he'd been sucking on me. Needing to pull back from him to find my bearings and gasp for air, I warily placed my hands onto his chest and tried to push him away. 

The action took a couple of more efforts before Kendall's tongue reluctantly slipped from my mouth—followed by his teeth pulling on my bottom lip and emitting a loud pop sound as he released it. Though he'd conceded in allowing me to catch a break, from the carnal look he was now giving me, I knew we were far from finished.

"Come." He eventually spoke, not seeming to have as much trouble as I was in steadying my breathing.

With his palm extended forward, I anxiously placed a hand in his and used the other to clean up the corners of my lips now tainted by smeared lipstick. Once our hands were carefully intertwined, he clasped onto me possessively and pulled my body closer to his side. 

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