Chapter 50

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The open door gave way to a large and duskily set basement space. Flashing lights paced around the expansive underground compartment, while loud EDM music reverberated off the concave walls. At first glance, the doting place seemed like any other night club, with a decently-skilled DJ playing on a mounted stage, an open bar, and a wide dance floor.

However, as I ventured further into the glowing space and my eyes quickly roamed across the vast room, I began to notice an alarming number of unclothed men and women frolicking around with a carefree aura. Half of the club dwellers had concentrated their efforts on groping each other's exposed body parts, while the others settled on tonguing down anyone who was even marginally in their proximity.

Moreover, as my field of vision grew, it became evident that most of the individuals meandering about were either wearing red or blue wristbands, which distinctly contrasted from my green one. 

What the hell did these wristbands even mean?

This was...crazy.

When the initial shock of the inflaming environment gradually settled in, I was more clearly able to distinguish the intense erotic sounds that I had initially mistaken for music from the actual mixing of the DJ's mashed electric tones. Albeit everything taken together was nothing short of exhilarating, I didn't know where to look without making awkward eye contact with any of the people currently clinging onto each other in the most hedonic of ways possible.

As I searched for an unoccupied area to quietly digest the oddity of the novel setting, I was almost certain that I'd walked by three people unmistakably engaging in full blown sexual intercourse. My jaw nearly popped from its socket when the moans I heard to my left revealed a very pungent orgy fest going on in plain sight.

Where the hell was I?

As my mind added up all these fairly unexplained observations, I knew that the smartest thing to do would have been to exit stage left. And, I almost did. But, just as I began to turn away from the spectacle of a scene unraveling before me, something even more enlightening caught my eye.

If I hadn't been so attuned to this person's presence, I perhaps wouldn't have noticed their indisputable atmosphere. But, as they sat ostentatiously at a bar table while silently observing two naked women with surgeon-endowed bodies engage in copulation, I stood there frozen in time. My eyes were stuck watching the resounding man superiorly explore the women's bodies with just the squint of his midnight orbs.

I wasn't sure how long I must have been standing there just gawking, but the result of my prolonged staring led to eventually locking eyes with the murkily enticing man. 

With our gazes now matched, I watched as he slowly drug a large cigar in between his pillow-soft lips and peered at me darkly. His eyebrows furrowed inward, just as he seemed to take in my unexpected presence. It was hard to speculate his thoughts, because his perfectly melded face gave none of his emotions away. Instead, he adamantly glared at my surely unclear form in the distance while trying to decode my intentions.

 Instead, he adamantly glared at my surely unclear form in the distance while trying to decode my intentions

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