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"Otherborn: The Crevasse" is one of six Character Intros (we now seem to be doing 🤩) for the Otherborn series.

Cornellius Custer's our wacky bad guy! His Intro is intended to be a 15K sneak  peak into what 'might' be foreshadowed (or red herrings?) for our ongoing 2023-2024 project on Wattpad, "Otherborn: In the Wastelands Alone".

** taken together, the cast intro is our way of letting friends on Wattpad catch up separately from the main series thread on Kindle Vella.

Each character is... well, a real character, eh?... and their Intros should stand alone (with cliffhangers―be warned).

Regardless of where you jump in... there will certainly be some things you don't know about our cast's motivations.

We're contemplating each Intro from a different genre entirely.

Tabitha = Teen & YA / Drama;

Fox = Sci-Fi;

Kai = Mystery;

Grit = Action Adventure / Thriller;

& this one...

Custer's background is humor / paranormal / with a little romance.

(We'll wait to see who the sixth one might be... ;))

The six cast "much earlier" journeys segway straight into "Wastelands" AND into our main story, "Otherborn: Earth's Crust Survival".

(* See Otherborn: Earth's Crust Survival Preview for the first season's intro— and all the best clues about what's up that you could possibly have!)

And so next...

Custer's backstory prequel will begin soon...

~ Ching, Ching ⚔️❤️😃 Wez-KOD (only one of the many Knights in this dystopian world!)

Copyright 2022 Wezley Brookz and Yandel Sinclair (aka Gideon Easton on Wattpad).

** If you would like to read The Crevasse on Kindle Vella sooner than we'll post it here and you live in the US, you'll find it at:

We appreciate your heartfelt comments, likes and reviews so very much!

So, thanks for reading...

~~~/ ♥️✨⚔

OTHERBORN: THE CREVASSEWhere stories live. Discover now