"Entire village, Aang." Katara finished introducing.

After that, Aang responded with a respectful bow towards the villagers, but they cowered in fear as they were a bit cautious around him while some of the women pulled their children back to them.

Meanwhile, Aang and Katara were surprised at the villagers' sudden reaction, while Sokka just watched from the distance.

"Uh, why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?" The young airbender asked uncomfortably while he checked his clothing.

Then an elderly woman stepped forward out of the line of villagers and decided to explain.

"Well, no one has seen an airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct, until my granddaughter and grandson found you." The old woman bluntly explained.

This shook Aang to the core as he widened his eyes in disbelief after what he heard from the old woman, "E-Extinct?"

Then Katara gestured, "Aang, this is my grandmother."

"Call me Gran-Gran." The old woman, now named Gran-Gran, or formally Kanna, replied flatly with a dull look on her face.

But Katara noticed that something's missing... or rather, someone. She looked around her surroundings before she asked, "Hey, have you seen him?"

"Him who, Katara?" Kanna asked in confusion.

"Oh! It's that giant lizard creature who came along with us on our way home." Katara answered, while the villagers, including her grandmother, were surprised by her words.

"Yeah, I wonder where that big monster went." Aang replied as he searched the saurian around the village, but the creature was nowhere to be found, "Did he go to the sea or something?"

Sokka was about to say something, but he suddenly heard loud footsteps outside the village that sounded like rumbling thunder, already knowing who it was.

Then the teen spoke out nonchalantly, "I think you already have your answer now."

All of the villagers turned their heads towards the source of the rumbling footsteps and were absolutely shocked at the sight before them. From the distance was Godzilla, who had a large fish in his mouth after he caught it in the icy seas near the village, which could tell that he was hungry.

(Yep! I drew that

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(Yep! I drew that.)

As he approached the village, all the inhabitants, except Aang, Katara, and Sokka, gasped and took a step back away from the Atomic Titan as they had expressions of awe, shock, and even fright upon seeing his towering height and intimidating appearance, while a few of the women held their children to them protectively as they might fear that this creature would devour them like any wild carnivorous animals living in the South Pole. However, none of them were more astounded than Kanna, as she stared at the reptilian beast with awe, having admittedly never seen anything like Godzilla. At first glance, she thought that this reptilian creature was some sort of spirit, but he seemed to be more peculiar than just a spiritual being. But not only that, she was slightly unnerved at Godzilla's presence when she felt something overwhelming inside the saurian, despite being a non-bender herself, and she even had her gaze locked at the latter's gold-colored eyes as they both held hidden intelligence and fearless determination.

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