August 28

6 1 0

Dear Nicholas,

I can't believe it's been three weeks since the competition. I'm sorry I haven't written as much lately. The end of summer party is tonight and Holly, Kari and I have been really busy running around. We have a stage and band this year! The last time we counted, 200 people bought tickets! All of the businesses on the boardwalk are going to stay open late and the beach will have different themed pavilions. Holly, Kari and I are running a blindfolded taste-test booth with a two dollar donation to participate and all proceeds will go to families in grief in your memory. Barb has given us some bowling alley gift certificates as prizes too.

Dad is coming to the party tonight. I made him promise he would get out of the house for a night of fun. It's time for him to move on too.

I really wish you could be here in person. I still miss you so much but I know you wouldn't want me to be sad. I'm starting to learn how to live with this hole in my heart. I don't know if it will ever heal completely but the anger is going away.

Even though you can't be here physically, I would like to formally invite you to come in spirit. I hope I'll see you there!

Love your party-planning sister,



I left the house in the late afternoon to meet Holly and Kari at our booth to set up for the evening. We put up white string lights under the canopy of our booth and set a row of candies on the table for our guests to try.

"I got some aprons for us," Kari pulled three pale pink pieces of fabric from her purse. "Now we look profesh!"

I looked around the beach. There were 20 tents in total lining the boardwalk, each with either a game or vendor. I was proud of what Kari, Holly and I managed to accomplish for this year's end of summer event. Next year's committee was going to have a lot to live up to.

As the sun went down, more people started to exit the restaurants and gather on the beach. The band began their set on the stage, which drew a crowd to the sand in front of the stage to dance.

"Congratulations on guessing all of the flavours correctly!" I said to the latest contestant to stop by the booth. "You can fill out a ballot to win a bowling package for you and three friends, and just put it in the bin."

"Hell of an operation you've got going here," Barb stopped at the booth.

"Whoa!" I barely recognized her. She had her hair down, in long pretty waves and she was wearing a beautiful floral summer dress. "Look at you!"

Barb laughed. I couldn't tell if she was blushing because her tan was so dark, but she did seem a bit shy about the attention.

"I'm glad to see you out here with some friends your own age," Barb smiled.

"Hi Mr. Mackenzie," Holly waved. "Do you want to try our taste test?"

My dad appeared just behind Barb.

"Dad, this is Barb! Barb was my boss at the bowling alley this summer. If you guess all the flavors right, you get to put your name in for a draw that Barb provided the prize for."

"Hi, I'm Robert," my dad extended his hand to shake Barb's.

"Pleasure to meet you," Barb smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine," my dad beamed. Was it just me or was my dad crushing a little bit? On Barb of all people!

"Ask her to dance!" Holly mock whispered between them.

"Uh," my dad awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Would you care to join me by the stage for a dance?" 

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