July 6 (Afternoon)

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Dear Nicholas,

I never thought I'd be saying this, but I miss having Nate in the house. I woke up this morning and the house was so quiet. It's not that he was noisy but the absence of his sound is so noticeable.

Ok, ok. I know what you're thinking. You probably knew all along that we would get along in the end. You always knew things about myself before I did.

I'm just sorry that he won't be here for the end of the summer party. I could have thrown it in Kari's face that despite her whoriest efforts, I still got the guy... oh shut up. I can hear your voice in my head not to be petty like that.

Speaking of the end of summer party, I haven't really helped very much to plan it. I kind of abandoned Holly in the preparations in the last little while. I probably owe her an apology. I'll make sure that I start pulling my weight on the committee, starting today!

Love your annoyingly predictable sister,



"I'm so glad you called me!" Holly jumped up and hugged me as I approached the beach towel she had laid out on the sand. She was wearing a bright orange bikini top under a yellow crocheted cover-up and ripped jean shorts. Her hair was perfectly styled in ringlets and loosely pinned away from her face. Her strappy sandals were placed carefully beside the towel so as not to transfer sand onto our working area. "I was worried that you might not want to hang out with me again."

It was late in the afternoon by the time I had finished my training and showered but there was still lots of daylight left. I had not thought to dress as appropriately for the beach as Holly had. I wore full length black leggings and a black racerback. I sat down on the towel and flipped my sandals haphazardly off to the side.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well, I persuaded you to sneak out of your house, past your curfew. And we didn't find Nate after all that. And I was worried because I didn't hear from you after you got home that maybe I had gotten you in trouble with your dad."

"No, gosh, no!" I waved my hands. I explained to her about getting the voicemail about Nate being in a car accident and how I had driven to the hospital to find him.

"You drove?" Holly exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks," I beamed. In a weird kind of way, it felt good to hear my friend tell me she was proud of my bravery. Even though I acted out of impulse, I found the strength to get behind the wheel of a car and get to the hospital when it really mattered. Maybe I was getting better.

"Is he ok though?"

"Oh yeah. He has his pitching hand wrapped up in bandages. He got a bit of a burn from the airbag and it's swollen but the hospital doctor thinks it's going to be ok. He went with his aunt and uncle to see a specialist to get the go-ahead to finish the season. If everything is ok, he'll be back tomorrow."

"You must have been so scared though, hearing about the accident. Are you really ok? Did it make you think of Nicky?"

"Yeah, that was my first thought and I did panic at first. Especially when I saw him in the hospital... But he was so reassuring. He was more worried about me than how he was feeling."


"And what?"

"And did you make a move or what?" Holly nudged me. "I mean, if ever there was a time to seize the moment, that was it."

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