Chapter 14: The Feeling is Mutual

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3 Days later


It had been three days since Alex had opened up to me. He was pretending to be happier, I could see that, but I tried not to show it. I'd talk to him about it once we were in a better situation. I could see that with each day that passed he was getting more as more depressed. I seriously worried for him. He was my best friend and now technically my boyfriend I guess and seeing him try to hide his situation from me was really upsetting.

We had to take our plan into action, soon. It had been four days since we were captured in the sewers, and in that time there had been people come in here and patch us up. I guess they really wanted the majority of the workers to think they were saving us, when this was just an act. They didn't want them to know all this time, they had been eating people.

They had bandaged the cut on my head and bandaged my broken hand. They also bandaged my back. I didn't know how they did this, I must've been asleep. They also bandaged Alex's chest and his leg. I hated these fakers. They were going to pay for what they did to us. They gave Alex some crutches, so that the other workers would be convinced that they were helping us. I didn't know how they had got those but I guess we were in a hospital of sorts, because it would explain all the medical equipment and large tables we saw everywhere. Those little... had made a big mistake. They didn't know our plan. They didn't know how sneaky we could be.

Alex POV

Four days since our capture in the sewers. Three days since I had opened up to Sky. Three days since my situation had been getting worse. I had told sky only part of the story. I hadn't told her that I had depression and I was feeling more and more depressed every day. I hope Sky didn't notice this. I knew how much it hurt her to see me like this, but... this was me. She was the only person I had left, she was my best friend and I guess now girlfriend... She was the only thing keeping me alive.

They had bandaged us up and had given me crutches for my leg. I guessed that we were in a hospital because, where else could you get them. We had been given two meals a day. Whilst we were in the forest we had one and before that, snacks. In the sewers we didn't eat! I was extremely hungry so I ate what we were being given. I had lost so much weight since the explosion I looked unhealthy. Sky looked an unhealthy weight also. We couldn't stay in this state for long. Honestly, it didn't look, let alone taste like deer any more but I didn't care. I knew what we were eating, and I ate it to stay alive. Even though I didn't want to live in this.

We had been planning and refining our escape for the past few days. They only kept people alive a week here so we only had three days left. They were bringing out the truck today to load the supplies, and if the paper was accurate, it would be gone by midnight today. We needed to get to it today, before midnight, for it to be loaded with supplies. Also that would make our escape easier. At night, the security was down to a skeleton crew. I had cached that the bosses name was 'Johan'. I vowed to myself to teach him a lesson before we left. In one way or another. 

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