Chapter 9: You will never lose me.

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Alex POV

The murky water filled our mouths and clouded our vision. Despite thisIi knew my way through these pipes. When I was younger my brother and I always came here when we were bored. By the lake, it was our outer sanctum. Whenever I was stressed, sad or angry I went there.This place was very close to my heart. I kept swimming, holding Sky's hand as she didn't know where she was going. I used to be able to crawl through here. There used to be no water. I'm guessing the government filled it so that the zombies wouldn't make it outside quarantine. We got out. Sky was vomiting up water and I was coughing and spluttering. I took in large gulps of air as I wasn't able to breathe for 1min.

"So? Where are we?" Spluttered Sky

"Well, were in the sewers. Me and my brother used to play down here when we were kids." I replied

"You used to play down here!?" Sky exclaimed

"Well, what can I say. We were the adventurous type." I finished

Sky laughed. I loved the way she laughed. She was so perfect yet she would never know how I felt about her.

"So, since we left all our bags behind what do we do for food an clothes?" Sky asked

"Well I could go back up there at night..." I replied

"No ill go. I don't want to lose you Alex." Sky said. That confirmed it for me. It confirmed everything. She hung her head down, as if in shame. I pulled her head up by placing two fingers under her chin. I stared into her deep green eyes as she stared into mine. I told her that she'd never lose me but she insisted that she should go. I pulled her into a hug as we sat down.

We sat there. Talking and laughing for the next few hours util night. Where Sky would go back through the pipe to grab our bags and gather some extra food and I, would adventure around the sewers and try to find a way out or somewhere with clean water, maybe a staff room or something. Also to check and kill all the zombies I found. I felt happy and safe in Sky's company, and I guess she did in mine too.

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