Chapter 1: The explosion

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Alex awoke. He'd had a nightmare, about a zombie apocalypse. The thought of something like that was unsettling, he wished it would never happen. He pushed his covers aside and pulled on a fresh t-shirt. It was 5:45 am Saturday 16th November 2083. Alex pulled out his laptop from under his bed. He searched up the possibilities of a zombie apocalypse. There was a low possibility but still a possibility. A cold shiver ran down his spine. He put away his laptop, pulled back his covers. Hoping to put the thought of a zombie apocalypse out of his head.

                                                             2h 30mins left

Alex awoke for the second time. It was 7:20 am. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He then took a long cold shower to wake himself up. He pulled on some fresh clothing, a shirt and some shorts and went back into his room to find some socks. He reached under his bed, felt something touch his hand, something cold and slimy. He quickly retracted his hand breathing hard. It was just the putty he'd brought the other day. He reached back under his bed, grabbed his socks and quickly put them on.

                                                               45 mins left

Alex went downstairs and into the kitchen. His mum left a note for him on the fridge, "Gone out to the shops to get some groceries. If you look in the fridge you'll see were all out. Love you, Mum." Alex opened the fridge then closed it again. His mum was right, they were all out. Ale proceeded to the cupboard. He opened it took out a bag of popcorn and began watching TV. He also decided to pack his rucksack with food, water and fresh clothes. Today was gym day. It was 8:00 am. There was nothing on so he decided to watch the news.

                                                                10 mins left

Abruptly there was a breaking news alert which covered the screen. It read, "Breaking news, major explosion of the bio-chemical lab. All 233 workers there are either dead or infected. This is an emergency, this is an extremely contagious disease. Do not touch anyone who has a pale green skin colour and dead like eyes. This explosion has affected a 3 mile radius around it. There have been reports of the dead rising from their graves. People are now calling this ' the rising of the undead '. Please be careful, and please, don't panic". Alex panicked. His palms went sweaty, his vision blurred, his breathing went hard. "It's actually happening, it's actually happening! The apocalypse is here".

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