Chapter 11: Sewers and Darkness

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Alex POV.

I loved her like this, in my arms...

20 mins left

"Its time." I said getting up and helping Sky up before placing my hands on her shoulders. "Are you ready" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied. I smiled.

"Okay let operation find and retrieve begin." I joked.

This earned a laugh from her. I could tell that she wasn't ready for this.

We walked through the sewers until we reached the tunnel which we came through earlier. It was vaulted as we had closer it earlier. We opened it and water started filing in, and running down the already murky,diseased water that ran down the middle of the entire sewer. We let it run for a while until it was a slow continuous flow of water.

15 mins left

"Its empty enough now, are you sure you're ready." I asked

"Yeah, I'm sure" Sky replied and pulled me into a hug before crawling into the tunnel.

I sighed and began walking around the sewer, I just hoped nothing would happen to either of us, now that we were separated.


I crawled into the tunnel, but not before hugging Alex, of course. It was dark in the tunnel and it stunk of dead things. It came to a part when the water was too high so i started to swim. There was a faint light up ahead so I must've been getting near the end.

10 mins left

I swum to the end and hauled myself out of the lake onto the lake. Despite the absolute darkness there were not zombies. Not yet anyway. I looked around for our bags, which were no where to be seen. This was strange and it was quiet, too quiet. Even zombies made noise but there was no noise being made here.

5 mins left

All of a sudden three men came out of nowhere. They were dressed in normal clothes but were holding handcuffs ropes and a blindfold. Then I saw the bat. With some idea of what they were going to do to me I tried to run. One of the men tripped me over and I fell hard onto my face. I could feel blood trickling down my cheek and I screamed for Alex. But as I did one of the men came for me and pinned me to the ground. I tried to fight him but he was too strong. One on the other men came and checked my pockets. I went to kick him but the man pinning my down slapped me. There was blood all over my face now and it stung like anything. Finally the third man came over to me and put one hand around my neck and one hand over my mouth. I couldn't breathe and didn't know what was happening. I kept squirming, and just when i thought i was about to faint I bit the man's hand causing blood to run. He doubled back clutching his hand, anger in his eyes. I sat there panting whilst I tried to fight the other two guys off me, but then a bat came swinging into my head and..... Darkness.

Alex 10 mins left

Alex POV

I wandered around the sewers. I had a Molotov which I had found from one of the bodies earlier. I had to be deadly quiet as I had found some listeners earlier. The murky water reflected onto the ceiling of the sewer and covered the place in a sickly green colour. I ducked as water was dripping from every available crack in the ceiling. I had found a way out and I couldn't wait to tell Sky.

All of a sudden the vault door opened. I guessed it was Sky so I started weaving my way back to the door. I was excited to tell her my discoveries.

5 mins left

I came to a halt. I was faced with three men, each wearing black. One was holding a bat which looked to be covered in blood and the other two were holding hand cuffs and a rope. I backed away but they advanced and in a split-second decision I threw the Molotov at the guy with the bleeding hand. Immediately the other two men were infuriated and advanced on me further. I slammed myself into the nearest guy taking him off his feet. I turned to check on the guy who was picking himself up when A bat swung into the side of my knee, immediately shattering my knee cap and all the bones surrounding it. I screamed in pain and sunk back to the nearest wall. My knee was burning and white hot flashes appeared clouding my vision. The guy who I had slammed into advanced onto me. He kicked me in the chest making me double over. A snarl appeared on his face as he put a dirty rag over my mouth. I struggled and squirmed against him but I was in too much pain to put in any effort. I finally pushed the guy on top of me into the murky sewer water and the guy with the bat swung it into my side and..... Darkness.

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