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My morning: woke up, got ready, ate breakfast, took the bus to school, got to class hella early.

First was algebra(ew) which was actually okay navies people were testing and doing late work the whole time, so those of us who were done got a free period.

Also I think I've had a few scent, sense shifts recently. Like last night I could smell what my mom was cooking from my room, which isn't that close to the kitchen, plus my door was closed with a blanket up against the bottom of it. Plus I could smell my bf's cologne on my shirt, which I know for sure I've never wore around him because it's new and a winter shirt.

Then biology which I enjoyed as always! My friend Eli is one of my favs. Then lunch which was really quiet and boring. Nothing note worthy. Mmmm then Art, which was the same old same old. Then English which was alright. Then I remembered today to take the bus home! That took a little but I got there.

Once I was home I did all my usual stuff. Put up water bottle and lunch box, change clothes and take off jewelry, text my boyfriend I was home, change out notebooks for B-day, put up my tail. After I did all that I started playing animal crossing, while also talking to Eli and Kaedan. I get Eli's email so now I'm helping him to get the confidence to confess to Jack(his crush).

I might just hang out the rest of the night. Probably practice my drums and quads. Scroll on Pinterest ya know the usuallllllll

Okay I was just talking to bf and I went "rawr" cause Y'know why not and we giggled and went "rawr" back then he asked me (this something we do often it's an inside joke at this point) "hey are you gonna do your taxes" and I said "no ima dinosaur! Dinos don't do taxes. Wait scratch that ima dragon!" Yes I'm a wyvern but wyverns are a subspecies of dragon so! And he said "but I can't date a dragon" and responded "what if I shapeshift?" And he said "no when your a dragon you'd crush me while cuddling or sum" then I went "okay but I'm the size of a lion not like a really huge dragon!" And he still said he couldn't date a dragon T-T nah though it was lokee funny. He did say it would be super cool if we were dragons so I'll take that as a win. I'm trying to slowly drop hints ima therian, even though he doesn't know what that is.

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