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I woke up to my mom telling me she made breakfast! So that was good. I actually slept pretty good last night, I think I got like 10 hours of sleep or some so that was good as well.

After eating breakfast I watched the movie "where the crawdads sing" I heavily recommend it! It was hella good, its based off a book of the same title! It does have some like half-sex-scenes and sexual assault. But it never shows any nudity. So if that's not your cup of tea then maybe don't watch it. Anywho it's about a girl who was abandoned being tied for a murder.

After watching that movie I decided to call my bf. I'm trying to get him and I to go on a date but he keeps forgetting to ask his dad to text my mom back! Like I love him but DUDE. Anywho we talked for a little before both of us had to go.

A while later I practiced my drums and my quads. Then I had some popcorn and ate it like the little Fox I am! Some time later I got to talk to my bf again which was fun :3 he said he would totally take my last name, which surprised me. Lots of straight guys think taking the girl's last name is emasculating. Anywho
Therian struggle timeeeeee :D

Sometimes I forgot, I don't know if that's the right word, that I'm not just one of my theriotypes. I know that I am the others(cat and austroraptor) but my Fox theriotype is so strong that I'm more Fox than the others. This causes me to question wether or not my other types are really my types. Cats and foxes have lots of similarities, am I just a cat or just a Fox or am I both???? There's not a lot known about austroraptor's because they're extinct, and I found out I was one through a friend who knew a lot about Dino's. Maybe I'm not even an austroraptor and I'm just a dumb kid. Maybe I'm not even a therian and I just like to act like an animal/Fox.

Anywho after getting off the phone with my bf ( :[ ) I just kinda hung out on my phone laying in bed. Also for all my little witches who struggles with self esteem, self love, and seeing yourself as beautiful. Start doing glamour magick. I personally love it and it has helped with my self esteem and confidence!

I got on the phone with my bf again around 9. Sometimes I feel like I'll say or do something around/to him and he'll just stop loving me. And he'll find a different girl. I know that probably won't happen but I still think about it a lot. Especially sense we're at diff schools this year. I told my bf this and he reassured me that wouldn't happen. Anywho we talked until about 11 before he had to go.

After that i just kinda hung out on my phone for awhile. P.S. go check out my friend itsveamo  's books!! They're super cool!

Till death do is part~

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