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My morning went really fast, I think I'm getting used to it. Still hate waking up though. Today I wore a very cute dress, with shoes that have a paw pad drawn on the bottom and the like paw lines you guys saw on the other converse.

I got to school early today and hung out with Libby. Idk if I mentioned, but I taught her how to play speed. And at first I'd beat her, BUT NOW SHE BEATS ME EVERYTIMEEEEEEEE
I'm both very proud and very upset that she's beating me at my favorite card game Ù^Ú

Anywho, algebra sucked, like normal. But I'm trying my best so that's gotta show for something, right? Biology was okay, Eli sat with Abbi, and they're more friends with each other than they're friends with me. So I felt kinda left out.

Lunch was fun though, I played more speed with Libby(I lost twice, won once) and my friend Nia from ASL sat with us too, so we all hung out. For some reason Jack wasn't at lunch with us, and neither I or Libby saw him. I had some stickers for him, and I wanted to tell him that one of my friends has a crush on him. (Hehehe, don't worry I wasn't gonna specify which friend. That'd be rude)

After lunch I had Art, which was... okay. We're finally starting a project. After Art I had English which was also okay. I no longer sit by my friends, so that's lovely(I'm being sarcastic) but I did get to go to the library and check out a book.

After school I took the bus home, and oh my gosh that bus was full like my gosh. People were having to sit 3 to a seat instead of 2. And I had to sit with two other boys, except they wouldn't like squish so I could have even the slightest bit of room so I was on the very edge. Like only a bit of my butt was on the seat. >:[

Anywho once I was finally home I hung out for a little, and idk if I mentioned but the landline phone I usually call my bf on stoped working. So I couldn't call him yesterday or today. And I was kinda freaking out, but I used my mom's phone and he answer so we got to talk for a little bit which made me happy.

Then I took a bunch of notes for World Geo(I did them early) and then started a few other World Geo assignments. Then I went to drum lessons and forgot to post hehehe

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