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I woke up like the special human I am, go ready for school and then went to school. ("Bro... mind blown..") I hung out with Libby in the morning. We practiced signing to each other.

Algebra was fine, we just did test review stuff. Biology was also fine, I got to hang with Eli but we did have to take a test. After I went to lunch, which was fun! Lunch is definitely my fav sense I get to hang with Jack and Libby.

After lunch I went to art, which was also fine. So fav my best class today was biology. But! The assignment were working on rn, part of its design is gonna have Fox tails and paw prints ^^ that makes me really happy cause this lil' Fox like to express themself!

After Art I went to English, which was kinda fun. I enjoy being able to read and write what I want. After English I saw Eli in the hall and walked with him before we went separate ways. Then I saw Casper as I was walking towards the plaza way across the road. He walked with me for a little before she had to go back cause their mom was picking them up more towards the school.

Once I got to my mom and got home I kinda just debriefed. Put up my water bottle and lunch box. Made my outfit for tomorrow, switched out notebooks and stuff for B-day, and then kinda hung out.

After that I talked to my bf for a little while before doing some school work. Now I'm just hanging out and doing research into my possible otherkinity.

That's it for this chapter, if you wanna possible help me figure out if I'm wyvern king then you can read the next paragraph

As you guys probs know, I'm questioning wyvern Kin. I think I might be a wyvern, they call to me more than dragons. There's lots of evidence especially form when I was young that makes me think I might be a wyvern or dragon. I've been looking into it, and I'm pretty sure I am one. There's no real way to determine what kind of wyvern or dragon I am. Ima look into httyd dragons because there's lots of info on them. If there's any other dragon fandoms you guys know that'll have some good reference behavior materials then I'd love to know so I can figure this out!!

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