"Just because they don't have them."

"I think so too. It's jealousy. Well, on that day, I heard they were concerned about a suicide bomber. At that moment, I thought it was someone with a bomb in their body, not someone with SA, and I hoped they would catch him soon. Later, when I was buying bread, as my father had asked me to, everything was fine up to the point where I made my purchase. But as I was leaving, the bakery was a block ahead of the factory, and I lived about five blocks from the factory. I saw a boy pass by me. I had already developed my telepathy by then. I heard what he was thinking. He wanted to run away; he was scared, and he had seen the news saying he was a suicide bomber. But he was a teenager, no more than 13 years old."

"But how did they find out about him?"

"Oh, he got scared crossing the street near the mall and sort of released a blast from his hand; it was weak because it wasn't reported in the news."

"The mall was far from the factory."

"No, as far as I know, it was far, but he thought the farther he was, the safer he would be from where he was. His parents had warned him to be careful not to reveal his SA. Poor kid. I felt really sorry for him. You could see, even without reading his thoughts, that he was scared."

"It must be awful to be hunted by SAHs."

"And it is. Have you never been pursued?"

"I've been in the dome since I was 4 years old."

She looked at me in surprise.

"All this time?"

"Yes, now tell me the rest."

"He ran to save himself from the SAHs and entered the factory, which seemed safer since it was closed. After that, I saw the SAHs arriving; they were searching all the buildings. They even asked me if I had seen him and where he had gone. Luckily, they weren't using their device at that moment, or they would have caught me. I lied and said I hadn't seen him, but the guys from the house in front of the store contradicted me. I had already disappeared from their sight; I didn't want to get into trouble. They entered the factory, and the boy blew it up, but the explosion stayed confined to the factory. I think the boy was killed on the scene, but not a single SAH was even injured."

"The boy you're talking about wasn't killed," Eyder said, appearing behind me. "He's safe on the island. If you want to know exactly how things happened inside the textile factory, which didn't contain nitrogen, ask him."

"They made that up too?" Lina asked.

"Yes, I remember the news. They said he had always wanted to blow up the factory and that, before the explosion, he wanted all the workers to be inside. It was the first time they changed the terminology from 'Special Abilities' to 'curses doomed to destroy the whole world.' At that time, the renowned scientist who discovered the special abilities and gave them that name had just died. As far as we know, he died of old age, but because of the lies in the news, I still have doubts. There are many conspiracy theories on the internet about it."

"Oh, I know about that!" Lina seemed excited. It made me think that she had read a lot about it and probably had her own theories. "I read one on the internet that said they lied about his death and that he was locked up in a complex doing research for them."

"I know that one," Eyder said. "But I also know the one where he lied about his own death so that he could conduct experiments himself, and that he was the one who came up with the idea of calling them 'curses.' This way, he could get more funding and test subjects for his research."

"Ooh, I read that one too! But there's one that says he..."

"Okay, guys, I get it. You don't need to keep talking about the millions and millions of theories that probably exist," I interrupted them, or they would never stop.

"Sorry," they both said simultaneously, looking downcast. I almost felt bad for interrupting. They seemed fascinated by these conspiracy stories, which made me wonder what else they researched and what had made them so interested in this.

"Did you resolve what you needed to?" I asked Eyder.

"Yes, I checked how things are in the city. SAHs are one step behind us, but there aren't too many. They still don't know exactly where all of us ended up at the same time, but some are searching on this side."

"So it's better if we continue as soon as possible."

"Yes, let's walk a little more today, and then we rest."

And that's what we did. We continued walking through more forests, and each day, my curiosity about the city grew. There was one small problem: I was starting to feel tired. But I wouldn't let my eyes close, at least not without a lot of effort to prevent it.

Hey everyone, I hope to see you well! I brought here another fresh chapter, I hope you liked it! I love it when you interact with me both here in the book and on the wall! Thank you very much for answering me!

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Hey everyone, I hope to see you well! I brought here another fresh chapter, I hope you liked it! I love it when you interact with me both here in the book and on the wall! Thank you very much for answering me!

This time it's a chapter just about Ayra, otherwise it would be too long, but I hope that even without Eyder in this chapter you'll like it as much as the others!

Don't forget to leave your vote and if you can comment so I know what you think, this feedback is very important to me!

Have a good weekend everyone and see you next Friday!

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