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I was cleaning up my mother's room so I could move my stuff in, rather than throwing her things out I was boxing them up to put in the attic until she decides to come home or at least come get them. As I was folding her clothes from the closet to box them up, Victoria and Dani came in the room laughing. "Hey, do you need any help?" Dani asks as Victoria looks at me with a smile as if he was asking for her. I smiled and looked at her as I started placing the folded clothes in the box, "You know what I could use help from both of you it would be a great help is you went and got Victorias stuff we got her from the living room and started putting it in her room while I get my stuff from in there to put it in here." Victoria's eyes began to sparkle as she jumped up and down before skipping to the living room to start getting her toys and bedding from the living room. Dani looked at her and smiled before looking at me, "I can bring the last few boxes to the attic so you can get your stuff before she claims any of it." he said laughing a little and grabbing the boxes off the bed and walking out of the room. "Hey Ally?" I heard Victoria say as I walked to my old room that was now hers so I could grab my stuff to make room for the stuff Dani and I got her. "Yes honey?" I respond without looking at her. "Is Dani going to live here with us?" she asked in a small voice as though I would be upset at her question. "I'm not sure that's up to him." I turned to her flashing a smile, "but if he wants to, he can." "Would you share a room with him?" she gave me a questioning look as I finished grabbing my bedding to bring it across the hall. "Maybe, I'm not sure. Why?"  She just looked at me for a second before shrugging before taking some of my stuff to the other room.  Well, that was odd I thought as I continued getting the last of things. 

After we finished setting up the rooms Dani's phone went off not even half a second before mine, we gave each other a look of confusion. It was Sydnie asking if me and him were together, together and moving into my mom's while she was away to have "couple alone time." Her texted made me laugh a little after reading it I noticed Dani responded, "That's not your business Sydnie." was what he told her. Did he want her to think we are together?  This is weird. I just looked at him not texting back and putting my phone down going back to setting the table for dinner. Dani ordered pizza because it's what Victoria wanted. As soon as i put the drinks and plates on the table there was a knock at the door. "Dani, can you get that I'm going to run and get Victoria from her room." He responded with a nod as he got up to get the door and I walked towards the rooms to get Victoria. "Victoria" I say as I knock on the door slowly opening it. "Come on kid your pizza is here" when I opened the door to get her, I noticed she had headphones on and was listening to my old albums I got from my grandpa before he passed away, she was listening to my Fleetwood Mac album Rumors. By the way she was dancing I could tell she was listening to Dreams. I smiled to myself before going up and tapping her. "This is the BEST song I have EVER heard" she exclaimed smiling widely at me. "So, you like the white witch" I laugh as I take the headphones off of her and stopping the record player. "Come on kid it's time to eat." I put her on my back as she sings the song laughing as we walk. "Thunder only happens when it's raining" I continued the song for her "Players only love you when they're playing." "Women they will come, and they will go" "When the rain washes you clean, you'll know" We sang as we got to the kitchen and sat down. "Okay my little songbirds time to eat." Dani laughs as he pulls out the chair for Victoria taking her off my back to set her in the chair.

"So, what was that text from your sister about?" I ask laughing lightly in attempt at breaking the silence at the table.  "It was nothing other than her being in my business, like always." Dani stated in a serious tone looking at me. I was taken aback by his response and how he said it, I think he noticed because his face fell, "I didn't mean to sound rude; I am just sick of her always being in my business just because she doesn't have any friends of her own." I just nodded before getting up to put my plate and cup into the sink.  "Ally." I ignored him, he tried again getting out of his chair and coming over to me at the sink where I was still standing. "Allison" he whispered in my ear "I didn't mean it like that, and I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm sorry." "Do you want to sleep in the room with me or do you want to sleep in my room, and I'll crash in her room with her, or do you just want the couch?" I ask him to ignore what he said, he backed away from me, "you would be okay with me staying in the room with you?" He asks now looking at me shocked, I just nodded causing him to smile at me lightly. "Can I sleep with you too?" Victoria chimed in as she brought me her plate and cup. "Let's sleep in your room tonight and you can sleep with us tomorrow night." I smile at Dani's words. "What makes you think she wants you there tomorrow? Maybe she just wanted to sleep with me." We all start laughing as I finish the dishes I didn't realize I was washing and go to our rooms to get ready for bed. "DANI I WANT YOU TO READ TO ME!" Victoria screamed from across the hall. "OKAY VICKY" He shouted back. "You should probably go read to her, just bring your pajamas with you and you can change after her story." I smiled at him one last time before going into the bathroom to get ready for bed. 

Today was fun, for the most part. 

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