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The next morning, I woke up to my phone ringing, it was Daniel. "Hello?" "Hi Ally, so what do you wanna do today? Sydnie said she can't come with us 'cause she is going shopping with my mom." he said quickly sounding out of breath. "Why are you breathing so heavy?" "I just ran from my house to yours cause Syd asked me to bring you these shoes she thought you would like." as soon as he finished talking there was a knock at the door. "Why did you knock on the door if you literally just told me, you were here?" "It's the polite thing to do Allison, now may I come in or not?" he still sounded out of breath, so I got up to get him water while telling him to come in. As he walked into the house and towards the couch to sit down and catch his breath, I brought him the water I got for him. "So, you never told me what you wanted to do today, Miss Allison." I scrunched up my face at him and shook my head laughing lightly. "Don't call me that Daniel, also I have no clue what I want to do today Sydnie said she had something planned but now I will never know what because she isn't here." I looked down in fake disappointment as he just looked at me confused "Did you not want to hang out with me Allison?" he sounded hurt; I looked up at him smiling shyly "I just wanted to know what she had planned Dani I'm okay hanging out with just you." His face lit up as those words left my lips. He always seemed so happy when I told him things like that, it was kind of cute the way his blue eyes sparkled when he was happy, and his dimples would deepen the more his tooth gap was revealed. He had a really easy way of turning my no's into yes's it sometimes bothered me but the more time I spent with him the more I grew to accept it.  

We ended up staying at my house until he got a text from his mom asking if he would be home for dinner and if I would like to join them. He replied to his mother fairly quickly saying we would both be there, and he was now dragging me to his house for dinner. It's not that big of a deal I mean it isn't like anyone would be at my house for dinner anyway. As we got to his house, I texted my mom telling her I was eating at Daniel's with his family she just sent a thumbs up. I put my phone back in my pocket as we walked into the house, as soon as I walked in Sydnie hugged me like she hadn't just seen me, though it was a kind gesture I looked at her confused then looked at Daniel who looked at her the same way. "Hey Ally, can we talk in my room?" Sydnie didn't give me time to answer her as she dragged me to her room and closed the door behind her, "So, how was hanging out with Tommy?" she gave me a suggestive look like she knows something I don't. "It was fine we just watched TV and listened to music and just hung out for a little bit, what is up with you? You are acting a bit weird." She looked at me fake shocked "me, however, am I acting weird?" I just stared at her hinting to her that I know she isn't telling me something. "Okay fine but you can't tell him I told you." I just nodded not wanting this conversation to get any weirder. "Tommy has a crush on you" my eyes widened before I could say anything Daniel knocked on the door saying dinner was almost ready and his mom wanted us back downstairs. 

Dinner was for most part quiet, I sat next to Sydnie which seemed to have bothered Daniel, so he didn't say much. That led me to believe that earlier she had told the truth and Daniel did have a crush on me. I sat on the couch with Sydnie who was trying to find something for us to watch as I overthought what she said in her room before dinner. My overthinking was soon interrupted by Daniel sitting next to me on his phone, as soon as he put his phone down my phone dinged indicating I had a text. Can we talk outside for a second?  It was Daniel, I thought it was odd he was texting me while we were right next to each other, so I just looked at him and nodded standing up with him and going to the front porch. "Are you mad at me Allison? If you are can you tell me what I did so I can fix it, please?" he looked at me with a look in his eyes I almost didn't recognize, heartbreak. "I'm not mad at you Daniel. I'm just confused because of something your sister told me before dinner." his look turned quickly into confusion as the final sentence rolled off my tongue. "What did she tell you?" I didn't answer him I just looked down at my hands and played with my bracelets. "Allison. What did Sydnie tell you?" he sounded sterner this time hoping I would answer him, but before I could even open my mouth Sydnie gave him the answer by yelling at him out the window to just tell me he likes me. His face softened, as soon as she said that. "She told you before dinner didn't, she?" I just nodded avoiding his eyes by looking anywhere and everywhere else. "I'm not going to deny it, I do have feelings for you and it's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I really don't want this to change anything between us, you have been the best friend I could have ever imagined." I looked up at him slowly not saying anything, do I like him? I mean sure I think he is cute and if he asked me to do almost anything I would be more than happy to oblige but does that mean I like him? What would happen if I did? What would happen if I didn't? Would we stay friends? Would it hurt him if I didn't? I really don't want to hurt him he has become one of my favorite people in the world. 

As soon as I thought that I realized, maybe I do like him.

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