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I was falling for Daniel...


I couldn't be falling for Daniel god why did he kiss me? Why did I kiss him? I should've pushed him away. I'm such an idiot. Maybe I should go home even if my mom hasn't said I can.
"Allison? Are you okay?" Daniel knocked on the door. I got up from the floor and opened the door avoiding eye contact with him.
"Dani I'm fine, it's fine. Everything is okay. I just think I should go home now." I said slowly looking up at him. He smiled at the name.
"Dani? I like it." He flashed his dimple at me.
"You called me Ally so why not. It's cute." I smiled a bit, he smiled when I did. My smile dropped when I remembered i was mad at him.
"Why did you do that?" his smile faded with my question.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't think of another way to get her to leave me alone" he looked down avoiding my gaze.  I grabbed his wrist leading him into the room so we could sit down.
"I'm not mad at you Daniel, I guess I was just shocked because everyone always makes it seem like a girls first kiss is an amazing and magical thing but that seemed kind of, I don't know normal I guess." I looked up at him to see he was staring at me with a look I haven't seen on his face before, I had shocked him.
"That was your first kiss.. and I took it without your permission.. I am so sorry Ally." he said frantically with an apologetic tone and facial expression.
"it's okay really, it was a nice first kiss. It was just a little awkward because of the situation." he smiled a bit. "thank you for being my first kiss so it was some douchebag who would only end up breaking my heart or something Dani." I smiled at him, his face lit up like a christmas tree.
"I'm glad I could help you with that." he laughed flashing his angelic smile at me. I couldn't tell if it was the fact that it was getting late or if it was because I was actually starting to like him, but I could stay he with him laughing for hours, and that is exactly what I did.

We ended up watching a movie and falling asleep, I woke up to him on the phone in the hallway. I wasn't trying to listen to his conversation but I didn't really have a choice.
"so you are coming home today?" from that I figured he was talking to his parents and sister. "okay but her mom doesn't want her home yet so can she just" he stopped "thank you mom" I could hear him smiling, "I love you guys too and I will see you in a bit." that was the last thing he said before coming back into the room. "my parents and sister are coming home today, so you are gonna have to stay in my room, I will take the couch." he smiled at me meanwhile, I just stared at him. I got up nodding sending him a small smile, I walked to the bathroom. I don't want to meet his family, I want to go home but I still don't know if I can. Which now that i think about it is stupid, my mom should want me at home with her. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom asking her I can go home, she of course said yes. I'm lying she didn't respond as always. I'm starting to worry about her. What if something happened to her.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, "Ally? are you okay?" I opened the door and lied right to his face, "yeah, great actually my mom said I can go home." I smiled a fake smile hoping he would believe me. The smile he always had dropped. "you're leaving" he sounded so sad, and I knew he was, I am too I like staying here and hanging out with him and learning more about him. I nodded avoiding his eyes. He kept asking me if I was okay, I just kept smiling and nodding. "I'm just gonna miss seeing you everyday, that's all" he just sighed and pulled me into his warm embrace. I didn't even realize he was crying until he let go. "Dani, don't cry, you will still see me I just won't be here all the time anymore." I said wiping away his tears. I can't tell if it was just the fact that this was an intimate moment and i was vulnerable or if i was in fact falling for him, but i really wanted to kiss him. He must have caught that because he kissed me. This time it was different I felt something I had never felt before. I could feel his emotions in the kiss, i could feel that he cared for me. I could feel that I cared for him. I could feel that I like him.

shit. I like Daniel. I think?

He pulled away from the kiss, when I opened my eyes he was already looking at mine, smiling.

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