°•Chapter Seventeen•°

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I'm so sorry for not posting in a while!!

Togas POV:

Was I in the right mind kidnapping Ashido to take some of her blood and transform into her to see my beloved..? No. But yknow what they say, love makes you do crazy things!

I can hardly think about that t the moment though as there is a much bigger issue..

My half-sister ,Zoe, is here. To be honest, I was never too fond of her. It wasn't because she had a different dad to me, it was simply because she had eyes for marinette, just like me! Although she doesnt have feelings for 'Ochako' I still want to keep an eye on her- you never know what might happen! I really hope I don't have to try and deal with her! She's still my sister after all...

I looked over and Marinette had gone BRIGHT red from me calling her babe. She was just so adorable!!!

"I mean- uh ... yeah you can aaa call me ..babe!" 

"Mkay babe!" I innocently said with a cheerful tone as I bounced up from the toilet seat.


Ngl I think I might be the worst author ever because of how inconsistent I am and everything! Like not only have I not posted a chapter for so long but the chapter I finally do post is super short and I'm sorry for that 😭

Riddle of the day:

What is green when you buy it, red when you use it and black when you spit it out?

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