°•Chapter Two•°

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I realised how vulnerable I looked and readied myself in a fighting position.

"Wow! Feisty one, eh," she paused for some reason, building up tension as I clenched my fist in case of an ambush with other villains but what happened next I could not guess in my wildest dreams,

"Dupan-Chein~" she finished

Back to this chapter:

How does she know that name? Does that mean she is-

"Chloe!?" I couldn't contain the shock in my voice!

"Ding ding princess." How was Chloe this flirtatious and does that mean she likes me? I had had a crush on the blonde-haired girl in my class for years but always tried to cover it by pretending to be Adrian Agreste.

"Well . ..Um I must say, I didn't expect that." I accidentally said it out loud.

"What do you want?" I squeaked after seeing the knife sliding between her fingers effortlessly,

"You~" she cooed.

"Is this a joke? Are you? ar-are you serious?" I was so confused right now! Isn't she meant to be in Paris?

"Well you see, I have always had a crush on you, I just tried to hide it, imagine the mayor having a gay daughter, it is unheard of! But when I ran away to be with you, when I finally had the opportunity to be with Jinsei said no hito (the love of my life) even if I had to be a villain, I would take it up!" I was shocked, to say the least, I returned her feelings, I guess but I couldn't be with a villain!

I have had a crush on her for as long as I can remember (A/N CHLOE DIDN'T BULLY MARINETTE) but always denied it however, when I left Paris, it made me realise how much I loved (and missed) Chloe. That still didn't change the fact that we weren't able to be together. No matter how much we loved each other, a hero and a villain couldn't be together

"Chloe-or should I say Toga." I started, I didn't know what to do! "It doesn't matter how we feel! Society has rules that can't be broken by even the worst villains! Good and evil can't be together, no matter how much they love each other, I'm sorry ..." And with that I ran away, tears brimming in my eyes, back to UA. I just turned down the love of my life but more than that, the love of my life was a VILLAIN!

Toga/Chloe POV:

I was in utter shock, she loved me back but she turned me down! Why? Why was life so cruel? Why was the only light in my life just taken away from me because of my villainous deeds!? Why must we both love in dread because of my mistakes, it's not fair to her! I made sure she was well gone before breaking down in tears, it was silly of me, how pathetic I probably looked but I couldn't help it. I was on the floor in a cold, dark alleyway about half a mile from UA. I knew I needed to leave but I couldn't bring myself to get up in between my choked sobs.

Then it seemed to me, like a lightbulb turning on after hours of tinkering with it, she does love me, I just need to make her realise that our titles of heroes and villains don't matter! If she realises that, then she will be mine! I just need to find out how to make her come to this obvious realisation!

°~{Caramel Hoodie}~°Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora