°•Chapter Sixteen•°

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Marinettes POV:

What have I done! I never once thought I'd the consequences of me moving away! But who said I was dead? I may have left without a trace and changed my identity but I didn't fake my death!

"I have one question Marinette.." Zoe asked and before even thinking I responded with a 'hm?' . She jumped up and I immediately realsied what she did.
"So I was right! You are Marinette?" Damn I will give her credit for being sneaky but she probably hates me now! She was just telling me about how upset she was and now she found out that I'm alive!

"Please let me explain first! Please Zoe.." I begged, crying even more. She heasitently sat back down, but sitting slightly further away than before.

"So .. where do u start.?" I laughed, to be returned with a serious face from Zoe as her monotone voice said,
"The begining."
"Well .. I am Marinette Dupan-Cheng. I did move away from Paris and changed my identity ..but u never faked my death! I never made it look like I died I have no idea who did that!" She looked a bit ocnfused as I told her that but for herself together before speaking,
"So you claim you don't know why I was told you died?" I nodded my head in response, I could tell she didn't completely believe me but I just told her to follow me so we could go to the party, saying that it would start soon and I didn't really want to talk about it. So begrudgingly complied and followed me to Mina's dorm.

I knocked in the door but when it opened, I wasn't met by Mina's smiling face, instead I was met by a .. 'old friend'. Alya stood there looking back at me. Obviously she didn't know me as marinette anymore but I still got slightly scared at the thought of taking to her. I stood there for a few seconds not sure what to say when she spoke up,
"Are you here for the party?" She sounded so relaxed it almost made me mad! I knew she didn't know I was Marinette but how could she just be so care-free!?

Zoe saw my discomfort and stepped in front of me to talk to Alya. As soon as Alya saw her, her smile was wiped off her face and in a stern tone she commented,
"If it isn't the one and only Zoe. The one who had a big crush on the bully!" She mockingly told Zoe. I was a vitocnfused. Was there a new bully since I left? But Zoe would never like a bully! Then again, I like Toga and she's a villain...and she used to bully me..

"Hi Alya." Zoe spitefully soar with venom seeping through her words, she didn't say anymore and jsut pushed in front of Alya to get in the dorm, me meekishly following. The party has already started and there was a table with a few basic snacks like pretzels and a bowl of crisps. There was a disco ball and LED lights around the room, changing colour. There were the basic red party cups and a bowl of punch next to it. There were only a few people at the moment. Mina, Kirishima, Nino and (obviously) Alya. To be fair, the party only started five minutes ago so I didn't expect too many people to be here yet.

I just sat myself down on the bright pink sofa Mina had placed off to the side. I avoided talking to anyone except Zoe and only got up occasionally to get some punch (which I only realised was spiked when I was slightly drunk - im lightweight!)

That was until he came in. Adrien Agreste . The boy I used to be head-over-heels for! Looking back, I don't even know why I liked him so much, he wasn't too special apart from being a model and stuff...

He caught me looking at him and our gaze met for a few seconds. He then put on a warm smile and started to come over to me! On the outside, I was robotically waving back, but on the inside, I was having a panic attack!

"Hi I'm Adr-" he had previously closed his eyes when he smiled at me, as soon as he had opened them though, I was speeding to the bathroom!

I shut the door as soon as I got there and leaned on it in exhaustion, letting out a deep sigh.

"Hey marinette!" I heard a voice say from inside the bathroom. I wasn't as careless as last time! Who was calling me Marinette! I turned around and saw Mina sat on the toilet seat. She saw my horrid face as her pink skin started to melt away and a higher-pitched voice replaced her sassy tone, saying,
"Nahh! I'm just kidding babe! Are we official? Can I call you babe?"

Of course. Toga.

"Wait wait wait. How did you even get here!" I waved my arms around while screaming a bit too loud.

"It's a LOOONGGGG story.."


Hiiiii hru today? Hope everyone is doing well! I just got back from six hours of dance.. so I'm publishing this!

Joke of the day
Why should you always knock on a refrigerator before opening it?

Because there might be a salad dressing!

Oh and some daily motivation: You can do it! You are amazing and you are more capable than you realise! Don't put yourself down!

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