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My baby... You haven't called me for so long
More like a day
I'm your mother. A day feels like a year for me
Yes mom. I missed you very much as well
Who misses you? I was just saying that casually
Mmnn I know. Where's dad?
He went for a run
Ohh. Okay.
What about Frank?
He's in his room . I don't think he's awake yet
Alright.. So is anything the matter?
Do I only call when I have problems?
No. But I can tell from your voice that you have something to say
Well.. it's about that person
Liam.. You're still not over him ? I thought you said you were working on it and you were dating someone before right? What happened?
It didn't work out
So what are we going to do. I won't just sit back and watch anymore. You have to let your dad and I help you look for this person. I want to meet the person who sentenced my baby to years of celibacy
What? I'm just worried about you
I know. But I called to tell you that I met that person already
Really!? When? Where? How ? Why didn't you say anything before? You're being serious right Li?
Yesss! Mom I'm serious and I met him just last night when I went out with Frank. He's even Frank's friend
Then why didn't he tell you all along
He didn't make the connection
You didn't tell him the person's name did you?
Ummm.. noo..
You're very stubborn Liam
I just wanted to do this on my own
I understand. But now that you've found that person I want to meet him too. Let me see who's got my baby pinning over him for so long
I'll invite him over sometime but now I'm taking it slow
Alright baby. Don't take too much time though. I want to meet him soon
I'll try my best. Bye mom. Say hi to dad for me
Bye then baby...

"Can we meet up"
What for ?
Just wanna talk
Okay. When and where
Jackie's bar, tonight
Alright then pretty boy

Was that your boyfriend?
Ohhh. He's your boyfriend now?
He will be soon so why not start using the term from now? For more familiarity
You're delusional Li
Noo. I'm your future brother- in- law. Well I would be if you'd up your game
You're so annoying
So are you
You're more annoying
You're much more annoying

I'm at the bar already where are you?
Ohh. Could you come outside. I'm not really here to drink, just meet up
I'll be out in a sec

Hi cutie, how about you come home with me tonight?
Not interested
Oh common don't play hard to get
Is this what they mean when they say "moments before disaster"? Because I'm losing my patience. I can't be randomly rude though. Let's just hope she has common sense
I'm not here alone I'm waiting for someone
Oh. And who could that be?
Err. You two are.....
Yes? You have any problem with that?
I smiled slightly as he slid his arm around my shoulder. So boyfriend coded.
No. No. No. I had no idea you guys are a thing. But can I get a picture? You both look so cuteee
Umm okay I guess
Thank youuuuu. You'll be together forever. Ohhh my poor bl heart was deeply assaulted tonight
What's her deal?
Probably one of those bl girls
So what's up
How've you been?
Will you date me?
Will you date me!?
You don't waste any time do you?
No. I don't want to waste any more time than I already have. So, will you be my boyfriend?
You're crazy! You're not even my type
Then what's your type
Someone who's confident
Flirty but not a pervert
It's a plus if he's cute and smells good
Aish my heart can't take this sweet declaration of love
You're confessing to me right?
And there's the confidence
You obviously said all these things with me in mind
So? What if I did? What are you going to do about it?
See, you flirt all day and when someone returns that energy you just back up
It was just unexpected. I had no idea you'd fallen so deep
Ohh apart from bestowing on you the honor of seeing my glorious face I have another reason why I wanted to see you tonight
Hit me
Well my mom wants to meet you. I don't know if you're okay with that. If you don't feel comfortable with it then I'll tell her you're not ready yet
Nah. Actually it's a good idea. How about I ask my parents over as well
That's a great idea
When do you think they'll be free ?
Not sure but I'll talk to them and get to you?
Alright then. After that I'll talk to my parents as well okay ?
That's great
See you later boyfriend
Who's your boyfriend?
I'm not
You are... You said yes?
I didn't
I heard you
Will you be my boyfriend Ordell?
...  Well, I guess it's not a bad idea. I'm already meeting your parents so might as well make it official
I pecked him slightly on his check and ran away... That was risky but definitely worth it
How could he just steal a kiss and bounce like that? My boyfriend is crazy
My boyfriend.... He's mine now

Guys my update was late today because I didn't get any sleep last night so I fell asleep earlier and wasn't able to update on time.


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