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What's your line ID?
Why are you asking?
I just want to get to know you better what's wrong with that?
I don't want to. I'm just here for my sister.
So you're not curious at all? About why you can't forget a person you just met once?
I can't push him too hard but I've waited for so long. And at least now I'm sure that he's not completely against being with a man because he also tried to find me.
All I'm asking for is your line.
Fine. All this talk just for my contacts. Here...
Thank you. That wasn't so hard now was it? I don't know why you insisted on playing hard to get
Who's playing hard to get? You have my contacts now am I free to go?
Of course. I never stopped you from leaving.

Bro what's your deal with Liam?
You remember that person I was telling you about?
The one you saw and have been trying to find? Wait Liam? He's the one?
No wonder I kept thinking of you when he was telling me about the person he likes
Yes. He said he only saw that person once and can't seem to forget about him. I wasn't sure it was you but I had my doubts because your stories match up so well. And ... Why are you blushing?
Are you shy? You're shy! ! Oh my gosh you like Liam too don't you?
Who likes him? He's just a pretty boy with a big mouth
Then why are you blushing? Weren't you acting all tough around him just now? I thought he would have it hard but it's obvious you're whipped already
You're talking nonsense. One more word and I'll leave you here
What kind of a brother leaves his sister alone at night?
Me. You want to try?
Humph. You're evil
Thank you . Now get on. Let's go
Jane is crazy there's no way I like that pretty boy. And I'm not blushing either. I never blush. It must be the weather. But I can't help thinking about his bright sparkling eyes and his lips they look soo.. Arrr what am I thinking? I turned to look at the back and Jane just looked at my red ears and muttered " In denial" You're the one who's in denial. I muttered back. Jane is right. I'm whipped. But there's no way I'm admitting that to her though. Why was I even acting tough earlier. I badly wanted to touch him and sink my fingers into his hair. It looks so soft. I wonder what it feels like. But I can't do that anymore. Ordell you're such an idiot.
Are you going to drive or sit there thinking about all you could have done? Bìzuî! Ohhh it's Chinese now? Is this how love works? He's fallen too deep. I just decided not to pay attention to her anymore. Your helmet.

I watched from afar as he argued with his sister. He's so cute. I just want to wrap him up and put him in my pocket. Will he let me do that? Most likely not. But I got his line. I guess a win is a win. I walked back into the bar only to be confronted by an angry goose
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I've been looking for you everywhere. They said you left with some guy and Jane followed you. What happened? Why is it just you? Where's Jane? Did you abandon her?
That is some heavy misinformation there.
Thanks alot guys
That wasn't SOME guy
It was Jane's brother
Yea. I've known them for a long time.
Let me get this straight. You know Ordell?
Asshole! I've been looking for this guy and you've known him all along?
Wait what.? Ordell is the person you were looking for? You mean I could have spared myself your whining a long time ago? Why didn't I ever think of this? It never even occured to me. I mean the dates do match now that I think about it. Liam you and your secretive ass! If you'd told me his name I would have known immediately but noo. You can only tell me your sob story.
Of course I wasn't willing to have you help me. And also, even if I'd told you, with that pea sized brain of yours you still wouldn't have made the connection
That's true... Hey! that's not true. Liam when I catch you you're done for.
How is it my fault that you accepted it so willingly. It's a fact. You have no choice but to accept either way
I feel like beating you up
If only you can
Alright boys that's it. Take your argument elsewhere.
You're throwing us out?
Yes. Now go go go go!

It's all your fault we got kicked out.
How is it my fault?
You're too dumb
What....?   Frank.???
I love you
Ewwwwwwww.. Grossss. Please get away from me. Oii I'm getting goosebumps
Mmnnn you're so disgusted
Are you drunk?
A little
How did you talk to First then?
Love made me sober
Of course. How did I not know?
Are you going to tell mom?
I'll call her tomorrow
Okay then go to your room
I want to sleep on the couch
Exactly what did you talk about with First?
Nothing much
I'm going to shower
Yea. Yea whatever

He really slept on the couch?
And what is with that insanely sweet smile? Must be because of Ordell. *Sigh* He's a goner for sure
Liam.. Li get up
W h att
Come on go lay down in your room
Frankkk. I love youu
Love you too Li

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