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When are you going to school?
Sometime next week. Is something wrong?
*Sigh* no I'm just sad that you're leaving just as I'm back
Me too. But I have to study
Honey he's all grown up now. I can't keep him by my side anymore. You're all I have now. I'll be so lonely without Li
Come give me a hug dear, please.... Just a little hug
You don't love me anymore? It's because I was gone for so long right?
Look how you're sulking. I can't believe you're the great colonel Thanawat. It's obvious he gets this habit of trying to act cute from you.
Hey! This is between the both of you please don't involve me

Mom I have to go now
Then go ahead what are you looking at me for?
You're still holding my arm
Fine. Go . Byee
Mom please
I didn't say anything. I asked you to go then you can go why are you still her saying "momm"? Huh?
My mom can be very dramatic when she wants to
Dad.. talk to your wife. Byee. I'll miss you
Bye mom

Why are you stressing the poor kid out?
He should know how I feel when he throws such tantrums now. It's your turn next
Err. I didn't do anything honey
Of course not honey
I missed you
I missed you too
Common let's go

I reached my residence and my roommate was there already. Risky of me to pick a random person online but he seemed nice
I knocked and he came to open the door

Are you Liam?
Yes. You must be Frank then?
Yes I am. Common in
How's the place?
Not bad. I like it


EIGHT YEARS! Eight years I've been looking for that guy. Why can't I find him?
Why are you so obsessed with someone you met just once Li?
Yes what's with your obsession with this person?
You guys don't understand. When I saw him for the first time I had an instant connection with him. It felt so right. Like it's meant to be. Kind of like a soulmate you know?
But after all these years you still can't find him. Why don't you try dating someone else
I tried. It never works out
Wow.. Frank your friends got it bad
I know right. I'm sorry man and I hope you find him soon because honestly you're driving me crazy
What are you guys talking about?
Oh Jane!.
Hey Liam, Frank..
So what's up?
Jane can you keep Li company? I don't trust any of these guys with him. I have to use the bathroom
Hey. How can you talk about us like that. We're right here you know
That's exactly why I said it so that you can hear
So can I trust you Jane?
Of course but your friend isn't a child anymore
Finally! Some one said it. He never listens to me. Go away Frank stop treating me like a baby. Don't worry, I can take care of myself
Fine then.
So what's up Liam?
Nothing much. Just talking about my non-existent love life
Oh. Why? You're really cute. I thought someone would have snatched you up by now..
It's because of someone
You have someone you like already?
Then what not confess to them. You're pretty irresistible
Well... It's like this.....

Whao! That's deep. Even my brother can't be that be that invested. Speaking of which, he should be here to pick me up anytime now. So what you're saying is that it's love at first sight and you haven't been able to forget him?
Yes! I've been trying to find him ever since

Hey guys...
It's you!
Yes? It's me
We need to talk
And why is that?
Just shut your smart mouth and follow me pretty boy
Look who's one to talk.

Hey you! Do you know how long I've been trying to find you?
How would I know? I just saw you once and we didn't even talk
So what!
So it means we're strangers and you're crazy for searching like that
Oh I'm crazy? What was your sister saying just now then? About you being invested? In finding someone?
That little tattle tale
You said something?
No! I admit I was looking for you but ... Honestly I don't know why. I just felt like I had to find you
I also felt the same way
I finally found him. The person I've been searching for all these years. He's more mature than when I first saw him. He's really grown into his features. I can look at him properly now. He is definitely my soulmate. I'm sure of it.

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