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December 28th 2000
A boy has being born to the Kanaphan family. Celebrations are made and people are joyful for the blessing. He will be called "Ordell" meaning "new beginning".

December 31st 2000
The Thanawat family have welcomed
their lovely baby boy into the family
He will be called "Liam"

Both boys grew to be smart and handsome children with Ordell being mature and organized while Liam was wild and spontaneous. It seemed like their lives were parallels of each other

Graduating from elementary and middle school was a small feat considering their level of intelligence but something was still not right.

Mom why do we have to move?
I like it here
I know baby but your dad's job is stable now and he wants us to come stay with him
I know but can I at least go to school today?
You already told all your friends right?
Yes. But I want to go see them again before we leave later this night
*Sigh* Alright then baby. Go get dressed
Thanks mom. And I'm not baby...
This kid. Scolding me after getting what he wants

Mommmm.... You don't have to come with me. It's my first day here. I don't want them thinking I'm a Mama's boy
You are a Mama's boy
I knowwww but that's not the point
I have the most beautiful mother how could I not act spoilt
But I want to look cool and it's already difficult with me transferring here last minute
Okay okay. My son is soo cool and great
He is the most handsome one
Ahh he is also so smart and quick witted
Err why do I feel like you're being sarcastic mom?
You're the only one who knows how your brain works soo...
Momm! Now you're being a bully and besides.....
Whoa! Who's that?
Looks familiar
But I'm sure I haven't seen this face before. He has a pretty unforgettable face. If I've seen him before I would surely remember but what if..
Is he looking at me? Did he just look at me?

He's cute

Oi momm! Why did you hit me?
I'm taking here. Why are you not paying attention? What are you looking at?
I swear
I heard all you said
Yes mom
Then what was the last thing I said?
You said "what was the last thing I said"
You cheeky child. Common let's go home
But I'm already in the uniform. Can't I just start today? You promised to help me move today remember? Oh yes that's true. Fine let's go .

I walked into the classroom and they all turned to look at me I hate moments like this. I mean common I know I'm pretty but can you stare a little less? It was dead silent until this guy walked up to me. He's really tall and has a nice face. Not as pretty as me of course but not too bad to look at.
You must be the new kid. Hi. I'm Dew
And then he smiled I have to admit his smile is a deal maker.. It lights up his face. In a good way that is
Nice to meet you Dew . I'm Liam
Welcome to Patana school
Thank you
I heard you were studying in America before?
Why did you relocate
Umm Let me introduce you to my friends. We're a pretty odd bunch I hope you don't get scared
I won't
Okay then let's go

Hey guys
Dew... Is he the one?
Yea. This is Liam
Hi Liam, I'm Neo. You can come to me anytime you need help. I'm the most responsible one in this group. You can surely count on me
Responsible my ass. Don't listen to a word he says. He has to be the most irresponsible person in the universe. I'm Film by the way.
Nice to meet you
Same here
This is Mark..
Hey bro
Nice to meet you
Hii cutie
And Louis
Welcome Liam
Nice to meet you all and you can call me Li
These guys are really nice except Mark seems to have an issue with me? Why's he giving me those death glares?
Mark stop looking at Liam like that
*Mark walks away*
Huh ? What's with him
Neo go check on him
Umm excuse me guys. Nice meeting you Li

Mark! What's wrong?
Why don't you go to your new best friend.
You're jealous?
Who is jealous? Do I look jealous to you?
You're jealous!
You don't have to be so jealous I don't feel that way about him. I'm just talking to him casually. Why would you feel threatened by him though? I don't understand
Well... He's very pretty and he just looks so perfect and all
But you're the one I like. You don't have to be jealous of Li
But you said before that someone like that is your ideal type...
Ohhhh. Actually I was talking about you. You're so cute you know and before we got together when I was trying to win you over I almost went crazy because let's be honest you're as dumb as a rock. Even if I'd thrown a brick to you with the words "I love you", you'd still not understand.
Neo... Be nice
But my patience paid of no? Now I have the cutest boyfriend in the world. Common let's go. I think you owe someone an apology.
Umm. True. He really is cute . I just want to pinch his cheeks. They look so soft.
Don't even think about it

Oh you guys are back? Has the princess finished sulking?
What? I'm just asking nicely
Yes as a matter of fact the princess has finished sulking. Hi Li. I'm Mark . Sorry about what happened earlier.
It's no problem. I didn't take it to heart
Soo.. can I pinch your cheeks
I wanted to laugh at their silliness. They're a chaotic bunch but I like them. I feel right at home with these guys.
Sure go ahead
No way. Come back here. Sorry Li but this one is taken
I smiled wide and couldn't help thinking about that person.

Guysss! Lets party and get drUnK..
You're already doing both so why bother
You're such a spoil sport Jamie
You're so immature Boun you're quite close to taking the trophy from Neo
Hey! Why are you involving me in your lovers quarrel?
Nothing. Nothing. Sorry I wasn't thinking properly
I'm sure a good beating can reset your thinking. At least for a while
Mark save me...
You're on your own here babe oh by the way I almost forgot Jamie, Tu was looking for you earlier
Really? Where is she
She's went to get some drinks from the freezer
You're welcome love
Just wait till she discovers you lied to her
Then we'll both be in trouble

Lou what do you think?
Me and Jamie of course
You never say anything anyway why are you being annoying today. You could have just stayed quiet as usual. Isn't that your answer for everything?
Hey guys it's the last day before graduation why are we fighting?
We should be having fun
Yea Li is right what's wrong with you Boun you're picking a fight with everyone tonight?
I'm not. Louis is just being unreasonable
Louis? Why is that hard to believe?
Oh right I KNOW you
Guys let's just put all that aside and have fun tonight okay?
Fine. But just cause you're cute Film

It's the last day before graduation and I still haven't found that person.
Everything else is good so far
Mark and Neo are still together
Dew and Film got together a few months ago at least one of them is smart
Win isn't dating anyone neither is Jamie, Tu, Louis and Boun. Lets not forget me.
Win has his brother at least
And those kids when will they accept they like each other. They just keep dragging things out unnecessarily.
Well we have each other so I guess that's okay.

Guys I have to go. My mom said I shouldn't stay out too late.
Awwwn our favorite mamma's boy
Film.. Dew has actually....
I'm sorry. I'm sorry
You're not a Mama's boy. It's my bad . I'm talking too much
I have to leave soon as well
Yea me too
Same here
Thenn good night guys . I'll see you tomorrow

I can't believe we're graduating already. It seems like yesterday when I met them for the first time... Time does fly fast

A/N: I THINK I'll have to edit this book lmao. Now that I'm reading it again I can't believe I breezed through so much 😭

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