The Past Is Repeating?

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The trio follow the indentations of horse prints in the wet mud, knowing that the Grounders had brought horses with them. "How far away do you think these Lautians are?" Octavia wonders aloud.
"When I came here with my people, it took around a days journey" Lincoln replies.
"You visited the Lautians?" Bellamy exclaims. Lincoln nods.
"Lexa offered a woman from her own people, but apparently, she wasn't good enough for Taaran. By then he had taken a special... interest in the Sky People, your people, more specifically Clarke." Bellamy and Octavia exchange a look. "Clarke isn't a... a pet! She isn't something you can keep!" Bellamy says, frustrated. Lincoln nods again.
"I know that, I'm just not sure that Taaran does" he says smoothly. Octavia frowns, deep in thought. "So Taaran is basically going to force Clarke to marry him?" she asks. She remembers Bellamy telling her about customs on the ark. Her favourite ceremony had been weddings. Octavia had imagined her marriage, the outfit, the setting, and she had shared her dream with Bellamy, only to be told that it would never happen. Octavia jolts back into focus as Lincoln replies. "Yes. He seems to have fallen for Clarke, and we could use that against him, but I guarantee he isn't afraid to hurt her. We can't let our actions reflect on Clarke" he warns.
"Then we won't" Bellamy says sharply.
Octavia touches his arm. "We'll get her back before anything happens, ok?" she reassures him. Bellamy clenches his jaw and nods.
Clarke hurries to keep up with the grounders. She could make a run for it, but her hands are bound tightly, the leather cutting into her wrists. Clarke clears her throat. "I'm gathering that you want me to be more than a Healer for Taaran" she says to Lexa. Lexa smiles, looking straight ahead. "Always so smart and observant" she says softly. "And yes, I do want you to be more than his Healer. You are going to... how would you say it... marry him." She glances at Clarke and smiles wider at her horrified expression. "Who knows, he might want a family as well" she says. Clarke glares at her. "You didn't tell me I had to marry him!" she spits, pulling at the bindings on her wrists. "Stop her" Lexa says in her language. Two grounders hold onto Clarke's upper arms firmly. "Careful! Don't touch her face, we wouldn't want bruises to obscure it. Remember what happened the last time Taaran was displeased" Lexa says darkly. The grounders nod and loosen their hold a tiny bit. "What happened last time? Do you do this as a hobby, take girls to be... assaulted?!" Clarke shrieks at her. Lexa leans closer to her. "You are not a girl. You are a woman, fit to lead with Taaran" she whispers. Clarke stares right back at her, trying to unhinge her.
Lexa glances away at the call of one of her scouts up ahead. She listens before looking back at Clarke, smiling. "We're almost there."

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