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Clarke lies stiffly, staring up at the dull ceiling. It's all she can do as she waits for the chills to leave her body completely. Bellamy had left a while ago when Abby had 'dismissed' him, oblivious to Clarke's glare.
Abby smiles at Clarke and comes to sit next to her. "How do you feel?" she asks, pressing a hand to her head.
"I feel better. Much better, actually. When can I leave? It's as if I've been here for weeks" Clarke sighs.
"Ah, so you can talk to people other than Bellamy!" Abby exclaims. Clarke looks at her questioningly, unsure if she was being sarcastic.
"Well you do spend all your time talking to him" Abby says, trying not to anger her. Clarke gingerly sits up.
"What are you saying?" she asks, defensive.
"I'm saying, that you have feelings for Bellamy" Abby bursts out. Clarke stares at her incredulously.
"My feelings are none of your business!" she snaps. Abby looks taken aback at her outburst, before returning to her emotionless stare.
"I am your mother, and it is my job to make sure you don't forget your family, your friends! I just want to help my daughter!" she says, trying to explain. "Now if you would just wake up and admit that you have practically been ignoring everyone except him!" Her voice softens. "You're in love, Clarke."
Clarke grits her teeth. "I think you're the one that needs to wake up, mother. We aren't in some make-believe land where we can discuss feelings and relationships! Our alliance with the grounders is broken! They could attack any moment now, and you want to talk about love?!" she says, her voice raised to a shout, oblivious to Bellamy appearing in the doorway.
"I heard yelling... is everything alright?" he questions, stepping forwards slightly. Abby clears her throat, standing up and moving her stare away from Clarke's defiant one. "Everything's fine, Clarke and I were just having a... discussion" she says, and stalks out.
Clarke lets out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. Bellamy crosses over to her, frowning. "Clarke, what happened?" he asks.
"She... she wanted to talk about..." Clarke trails off, meeting his eyes.
"About..." Bellamy prompts.
'ShouldI tell him the truth? No... he might not feel the same way. Besides, there would only be one way to find out' she thinks, mentally shaking herself. "She wanted to talk about something irrelevant" Clarke replies bluntly. Bellamy frowns again.
"C'mon Clarke, there's something-" he tries to say but Clarke interrupts.
"Just stop talking for a second" she says, and moves her head until they are inches apart. 'Only one way to find out' her thoughts repeat as Bellamy stares at her, surprised. All of a sudden, he closes the gap between them and brushes his lips against hers. Clarke snakes her arms around his neck, her fingers curling in his hair.
She pulls back, taking breaths of air, but stays wrapped in his arms.
Octavia spins around, glaring furiously around the trees. "I know you're there, Emerson.Show yourself!" she calls, raising her dagger.
She steps closer, hearing more rustling from ahead. She is about to run forwards and attack when the snapping of branches sound from above and an arrow pierces the skin on her left arm. Octavia groans, swaying, and starts to run unsteadily to the camp. She trips frequently as she tries desperately not to faint. She scrambles up the hill and collapses, clutching her bloody arm. The last thing she hears are the the gates before she blacks out.
Abby walks purposefully to the medical room, feeling bad about earlier. She peers through the window of the door and goes to walk inside, but pulls up short. She doubles back and looks through the stained glass, confused. She gasps as she realises what is going on. Her daughter... Clarke is locked in an embrace with none other than Bellamy. 'She's... they... they're?!' is all that she can comprehend in that moment.
Ok guys, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope that the kissing scene wasn't too awkward, but I had never written one before so I felt SO awkward when writing it!
Hopefully it should get better, do you guys want more description or less, or just the same?!

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