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Lex a steps forwards, her expression unreadable. "Its good to see you Clarke, and Bellamy too" she says coolly. Clarke stares at her in disbelief, lost for words. "What're you doing here?" Bellamy asks the grounder, trying to keep the anger out of his voice. "Looking for you, Clarke" Lexa says, looking at her. "What do you want, Lexa, because you have some nerve coming here and expecting some happy reunion when you left my people to die!" Clarke bursts out suddenly. Lexa looks shocked for a split second before regaining composure. "We need you to come with us to our rivals, the Lautian's, and help us make peace before they declare war" Lexa states smoothly. Clarke laughs. "What if I don't?"
"Then I shall kill every single person from the Sky, Clarke of the Sky People. Starting",Lexa adds, "with him." She gestures to Bellamy. Clarke glares at her. "How would I do it anyway?"
Bellamy stares at her incredulously. "You're not thinking of going, Clarke?" he asks. Clarke chooses to ignore him.
"You would be taken to meet their Leader, Taaran, and will pledge your alliance to him, become his Healer, and stay there. You shall be our... offering" Lexa says. "Why can't you get another offering?" Clarke asks. Lexa simply glares at her. Clarke swallows. It sounds as though she wants her to become more than his Healer. She glances at Bellamy before replying. "I'll go" she tells Lexa. She smiles. "Then it is done."
Bellamy grabs Clarke's wrist. "What the hell, Clarke?! You're not going!" he says. "Yes I am. She'll kill you. She'll kill everyone."
Lexa descends down the ladder with her guards behind her. Clarke goes down with them, followed by Bellamy. Clarke turns to him once they're outside. "I have to do this. Im sorry" she says sadly. Bellamy pulls her back. "Don't do this! I can't lose you again!"
Clarke steps away, tears in her eyes. "Goodbye, Bellamy" she says forcefully, signalling that he should leave. But he stays, watching her disappear into the trees. Then it's over. She's gone, just like that.

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