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{1 week after Clarke has left}
Bellamy runs his hands through his hair, frustrated. He hadn't had the chance to speak to Abby yet, and it was weighing him down.
Deciding he was talking to her NOW, Bellamy marches out of his tent. "Bellamy!" Octavia calls, grabbing his arm.
"What is it, Octavia" he sighs.
"You look like you've barely slept since we got back. What's wrong?" she asks. Bellamy stops, thinking hard. Octavia notices his hesitation and her eyes widen slightly. "Do... do you KNOW where Clarke is?!" she hisses.
Bellamy stares at her. "Of course I don't know! Don't you think I would be out looking for her if I knew?!" he replies, irritated.
"Look, you've been acting... strange since she left, and... Bell, you need to get her back. You aren't the same without her here, and I bet Clarke isn't either" Octavia says, trying to get her brother to see the truth. He stays silent. "You care about her, and I'm not the only one who can see it" she says, lowering her voice. "She's broken, O, and I don't know how to fix her" Bellamy replies, and walks past.
"Bellamy! It takes two to lead, to balance the other out!" she calls, causing people to stare. He ignores her and heads inside to the medical room. Jasper watches Bellamy pass with an empty look in his eyes.
"Jasper, I-"
"Don't. Just don't" Jasper cuts him off, turning his head.
Bellamy sighs and continues, spotting Kane outside the doors. "Kane! I need to see Abby" he calls.
"Why?" Kane asks, looking at him curiously.
"It's... it's about Clarke" Bellamy says quietly. Kane nods and lets him through.
Abby is sitting up, deep in conversation with Raven, who is on another bed, looking exhausted. "Abby" Bellamy says, catching her and Raven's attention. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Clarke? You said you would be helping her work out if we need to expand the camp" Abby says, looking at him questioningly. Bellamy hesitates. Raven frowns at him.
"Bellamy... where's Clarke?" she asks him, suspicion clear in his voice.
"She... she left the camp... last week..." he trails off, waiting for their reactions.
Raven sits up, staring at him in disbelief. "How... WHY have you waited this long to tell us?! She could be injured, or dead... or even captured! Have you thought about THAT Bellamy?! EMERSON could have her!" she screeches angrily. Bellamy flinches. He hadn't thought that Emerson would have survived, but he had gotten the treatment... hadn't he? He looks at Abby. She is staring past him, at the wall.
"You have to find her" she says, so quiet that it is hard to hear.
Raven swings her legs off the bed. "YOU aren't going anywhere, Raven" Bellamy says, stepping in front of her.
"You can't stop me!" she snaps and stands up. She steps forward and falls, grabbing hold of the bed.
"Where's Wick?" Bellamy asks.
"He's outside the doors... why?" Raven replies, cursing at Bellamy's smirk.
"Wick! Your girlfriend is trying to walk whilst angry!" he calls, and watches Wick march in. He looks at Raven glaring at Bellamy and hanging onto the bed, and helps her up. He lifts her up with ease, despite her struggling, and places her back on the bed. "What's happening?" Wick asks, looking at Bellamy for an explaination. He opens his mouth to respond, but Raven cuts him off.
"Clarke left LAST WEEK and HE decides to tell us NOW!" she spits, trying to get out of Wick's grasp. He stares at her, then Abby, who is sitting stiffly, unmoving.
"Is... is this true?" he asks Bellamy. He nods. Wick stares at him.
"I would've expected you to be looking for her" he finally says. Bellamy turns.
"So does everyone else" he says, and pushes through the doors. "So do I" he mutters to himself.

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