chapter 71

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Chelsey's POV

he smiled at me

he broke the silence of our eye contact, "you're wearing my necklace" he laughed a bit

"is there a problem?" i smiled

"no, you wear it better"

we held eye contact and both went in for a kiss until we were interrupted by the stadium cheering after a whistle has blew

we both looked at each other again confused until we heard the barcelona anthem

"you should go celebrate" i smiled to him

"cant i just stay here with you?"

"celebrate, than me. okay?"

"okay" he smiled

i grabbed him some crutches as i helped him out of the locker room


i left him with his team to celebrate as i went back to jude and jack

"how is he?" jack asked

"let's go home first, yeah?" i suggested

they both nodded and we got out of the stadium through the back as they didn't want fans crowding them making it slower to get out

we got to the car and i went in the front as jude went in the back

i stayed quiet, thinking of me and gavi's moment

what are we? like is it just an i love you thing then we forget about it? or like does he want something serious? i'm so confused right now.

the car ride was silent, as we were all upset about chelsea losing

obviously i had a little bit of joy for barcelona but it was heartbreaking that my childhood best friends got this far to lose

we pulled up into me and mase's house and we all went inside, waiting for chris and mase to come home

"soo how was gavi?" jude asked, we were all sitting on the couch now, watching a random movie that was on the television channel

"it was a bad injury, i don't know how long he will be out" i told them, looking down at my phone to see if there's any news on gavi

but my whole social media is full of barcelona winning the champions league


it's been a few hours and we ate and watched a movie, but still no mase or chris

"where are they?" jack asked

"i don't know, ill text him" jude said

a few seconds later, "it says text failed to go through" jude looked confused

"oh i forgot about that" i said, pulling my phone back out

they both looked at me confused

"he turns off his messages and social media and all the things like that besides from me, chris, coaches, and family whenever they lose an important game" i started to type his name into the search bar in my messages app

"lowkey might have to start doing that" jack said, lying back

"yeah word" jude got up to go to the kitchen pantry


mase 💙

hey mase?

Punk - Pablo GaviOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora